Internationale Medien
Asyl, Antidiskriminierung, Gleichbehandlung, Menschenrechte, Europa & Diversity in der internationalen Berichterstattung
(→ siehe auch Diskriminierung und Aktuelles)
- Karner informiert EU über Stopp bei Familiennachzug, ORF, 04.03.2025
- Südtirol - Zweisprachigkeit von Ärztinnen: "politisches Tabuthema", RAI Tagesschau, 04.03.2025
- Bohs deliver programme combating anti-immigrant sentiment, RTE News, 03.03.2025
- Senate Democrats block GOP-led bill to ban transgender athletes from women`s sports, CNN, 03.03.2025
- Defense: Pentagon to send 3,000 more troops to the US-Mexico border, Politico, 01.03.2025
- Trump to sign executive order making English English the official US language, ABC News, 28.02.2025
- Neues Sexualstrafrecht: Basel hat noch immer kein Lernprogramm für Sexualstraftäter, SRF, 28.02.2025
- Rights group PHRI says Israel has systematically abused Palestinian health workers for their profession, CNN, 27.02.2025
- Frauen in Politik und Management weiter unterrepräsentiert, ORF, 27.02.2025
- Schwarz-Rot-Pink - Asyl und Migration: Familiennachzug soll gestoppt werden, Standard, 27.02.2025
- With threats to diversity in schools, are BLACK male teachers in jeopardy?, ABC News, 27.02.2025
- ICE arrests 16 illegal migrants caught fleeing out back of Mississippi business during raid, Fox News, 26.02.2025
- Deutschland: "Erstarken der AfD ist keine Gefahr für die Demokratie", RAI, 25.02.2025
- Melonis Albanien-Lager: Vom "Vorbild" zum "Desaster", ORF, 24.02.2025
- U.S., Europe propose competing UN resolutions on Ukraine war ahead of conflict`s third anniversary, National Post, 21.02.2025
- US Justice Department cuts database tracking federal police misconduct, Reuters, 21.02.2025
- U.S. - Immigration: Trump Administration Removes Deportation Protections for Half a Million Haitians, Time, 20.02.2025
- Homophobie - Ex von Bill Kaulitz: Influencer Marc Eggers spricht über Morddrohungen, Kleine Zeitung, 19.02.2025
- Immigration: White House posts video of immigrants in schackles, calls deportation footage ´ASMR`, NBC LA News, 18.02.2025
- Anschlag in Villach: Tat wirft Licht auf Onlineradikalisierung, ORF, 17.02.2025
- Kärnten - Täter mit "IS-Bezug": Innenminister spricht von Anschlag in Villach, Kurier, 16.02.2025
- Bundestagswahl 2025: So wollen die Parteien Deutschland regieren, SRF, 15.02.2025
- Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz - Scholz an Vance:"Einmischung in Wahlkampf gehört sich nicht", Standard, 15.02.2025
- Kirche im Wandel - Wandel von unten: Diese zwei Frauen denken Kirche neu, SRF, 15.02.2025
- News: Are immigrants still welcome in Mayor Eric Adam`s New York City? We asked New Yorkers., NPR, 15.02.2025
- Donald Trump: Egypt reportedly releases details on plan to rebuild Gaza; there`s no mention of ´cooperation` with the US, Fox News, 12.02.2025 :
- Meloni lässt "Albanien-Modell" überarbeiten, ORF, 12.02.2025
- Bundestagswahl 2025 - "Hofnarr": Aufregung um beleidigende Äusserung von Scholz, SRF News, 12.02.2025
- USA: Trump testet bei Staatsbürgerschaftsrecht seine Grenzen aus, liegt aber weltweit im Trend, Standard, 11.02.2025
- Ägypten und Jordanien: Gaza-Wiederaufbau ohne Vertreibung, ORF, 12.02.2025
- Lawyer in Saudi trans student`s suicide note had embassy links, BBC finds, BBC News, 11.02.2025
- Online: Sexuelle Belästigung für Jugendliche "Alltag", ORF, 10.02.2025
- World / India: World`s most populous nation saw a ´staggering` rise in hate speech last year, report says, CNN, 10.02.2025
- FEMA: DOGE focuses on millions in migrant hotels billed to US-taxpayers as DHS-Sec Noem targets FEMA, Fox News, 10.02.2025
- Zürich kokst in rauen Mengen: Kokainkonsum bei Jugendlichen - wie gelingt Prävention?, SRF News, 10.02.2025
- IOM: Dutzende Tote in zwei Massengräbern in Libyen, ORF, 10.02.2025
- What does it mean to be French? PM Bayrou calls for a national debate, France24, 07.02.2025
- Trump signs executive order sanctioning the International Criminal Court, NBC News, 06.02.2025
- Trump takes action to ban transgender women from women`s sports, CNN, 05.02.2025
- Trump fired EEOC commissioner Jocelyn Samuels. She isn`t going quietly;NPR, 05.02.2025
- Judge issues nationwide injunction blocking Trump`s bid to end birthright citizenship, ABC News, 05.02.2025
- Illegal Immigrants: Detaining illegal immigrants at Guatanamo could result in legal challenges, slow deportations, experts say, Fox News, 05.02.2025
- El Salvador offers to house violent US criminals und deportees of any nationality in unprecedented deal, CNN, 04.02.2025
- Hundreds protest Trump immigration policies at Arizona Capitol, AZ Mirror, 04.02.2025
- DC Bureau - Immigration: Trump administration begins first detention flights to Guantanamo Bay, Missouri Independent, 04.02.2025
- Antisemitismus in New York: mit dem Panik-Knopf in der Synagoge, NZZ, 04.02.2025
- Health Care: Justice Department drops case against Texas doctor charged with leaking transgender care data, Politico, 24.01.2025
- Judge temporarily blocks Trump`s executive order on birthright citizenship, calling it ´blatantly unconstitutional`, ABC News, 23.01.2025
- US Congress Democrats help spirit immigrant clampdown bill to Trump, Reuters, 22.01.2025
- 24 Democratic states and cities sue over Trump`s bid to end birthright citizenship, CNN, 21.01.2025
- Trump begins immigration crackdown with moves to end birthright citizenship, deploy the militäry to the border and more, CBS News, 21.01.2025
- How cities across the US are preparing for Trumps immigration crackdown, CNN, 21.01.2025
- Immigration: Trump shuts down immigration app, dashing migrants` hopes of entering U.S., NBC News, 20.01.2025
- In Deutschland läuft das Rollout - in der Schweiz zögern die Kantone mit den Bezahlkarten für Asylsuchende, NZZ, 17.01.2025
- Rapist can`t be deported because he`s, judges rule, The Times, 13.01.2025
- "Ich müsste bei null anfangen": Wie Syrer in der Schweiz ihre Zukunft sehen, CNN, 11.01.2025
- Biden slams Meta`s decision to get rid of fact-checking in wide-ranging Q-and-A with reporters, CNN, 10.01.2025
- News: Vatican approves document allowing gay man to become priests in Italy, Religion News, 10.01.2025
- South Florida: Anita Bryant died at 84. What her ex-husband said about their Miama experience, Miami Herald, 09.01.2025
- Desinformation verbreiten und Zwietracht säen: So will Iran die Lage in Syrien destabilisieren, NZZ, 08.01.2025
- "Kampf gegen den Islam": Muslime empört über Mikl-Leitner-Aussage, ORF, 06.01.2025
- 11 Yemeni detainees at Guantanomo Bay transferred to Oman, CNN, 07.01.2025
- U.S. - news: Two death row inmates reject Biden`s commutation of their life sentences, NBC News, 06.01.2025
- Frauenanteil in Technikstudien stieg dank Männerschwunds, ORF, 05.01.2025
- Al Jazeera slams Palestinian Authority move to supsend West Bank operations, Al Jazeera, 01.01.2025
- Video of inmate`s fatal beating shows him handcuffed as correctional officers punch and kick him, CNN, 28.12.2024
- Trump says H-1B visa program is ´great` amid MAGA feud over tech workers, NBC News, 28.12.2024
- In states that ban abortion, social safety net programs often fail famiies, ABC News, 27.12.2024
- Judenhass, Schwurbler, Esoteriker: evangelische Gemeinden auf Abwegen, NZZ, 24.12.2024
- Death toll rises to five with more than 200 injured German in German Chrsitmas market attack, CNN, 21.12.2024
- The ´atheist` Saudi refugee suspected of Germany attack; France24 News, 21.12.2024
- "Go and see"-Programm: UNHCR schlägt vor, syrische Flüchtlinge auf Zeit zurückkehren zu lassen, Standard, 21.12.2024
- UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was ´fast-tracked` into transgender surgery, NBC News, 12.12.2024
- Politics: Bracing for a new Trump era, LA City Council approves ´sanctuary city` ordiance, ABC7, 04.12.2024
- KEINE SUVS - Neue Härte geplant: Ukraine-Flüchtlinge mit Autos können Grundversorgung verlieren, Standard, 04.12.2024
- Schutzstatus S aufheben? "Der Krieg ist in der ganzuen Ukraine", SRF, 03.12.2024
- Australian PM ready to ´engage`with social media teen ban, ABS-CBN News, 01.12.2024
- Children und teenager under 16 to be banned from social media after parliament passes world-first law, ABC News, 29.11.2024
- Tech companies put on notice on Australia passes world-first social media ban for under -16s, CNN, 29.11.2024
- Bianga rallies behind PNG denied family protection visa after long fight to stay, ABC News, 29.11.2024
- Republican introduces anti-transgender bathroom resolution at Capital after first transgender woman elected to Congress, CNN, 19.11.2024
- Kolumne: Einst war Erziehung elterliche Pflicht, heute ist sie potenziell diskriminierend, NZZ, 16.11.2024
- Trump blasts Newsom`s plan to shield California from the next White House, LA Times, 08.11.2024
- Migrants changed this small town. Locals can`t agree if that is good or bad, BBC News, 03.11.2024
- Buch "Zuhause ist Anderswo": Auch wir waren mal Flüchtlinge, Kurier, 03.10.2024
- Badenoch promises change after historic Tory leadership win, BBC News, 03.11.2024
- South Carolina executes death row inmate despite pleas from jurors and a judge to spare his life, CNN, 01.11.2024
- Interview - Sexuelle Belästigung in der Armee: "Das trifft auf jede Frau zu, die ich kenne", NZZ, 01.11.2024
- Israel bans UNRWA, the U.N. the U.N. relief agency for Palestinian refugees, NBC News, 29.10.2024
- The Punjabi Sikhs of Woolgoolga, ABC News, 29.10.2024
- Owner Jeff Bezos defends Washingten Post`s decision not to endorse as the right, ´principled` one, AP News, 29.10.2024
- Washington Post loses a reported 200K digital subscriptions 3 editorial board members over endorsement votes, CNBC News, 28.10.2024
- Biden says Elon Musk was an ´illegal worker` when he began U.S. career, CNBC News, 26.10.2024
- Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO pleads not guilty to sex trafficking and prostitution charges, AP News, 26.20.2024
- Canada will reduce immigration targets as Trudeau acknowledges his policy failed, ABC News, 25.10.2024
- Biden apologizes for forced Native American boarding school policy that caused abuse and death of children, NBC News, 25.10.2024
- Sudan: ´The world doesn`t see us`: What a militia chief said while holding me captive in Darfur, CNN News, 23.10.2024
- Harrods in talks with more than 250 women over Al-Fayed sexual misconduct claims, France24 News, 22.10.2024
- Russians accused of crimes offered choice - go to war instead of court, BBC News, 22.10.2024
- Giorgia Meloni will das Albanien-Modell retten und kontert mit einem neuen Dekret, NZZ, 22.10.2024
- Politik - Asylpolitik: Meloni erwirkt neues Dekret, RAI News, 21.10.2024
- Meloni will Albanien-Migrationsplan retten, ORF, 21.10.2024
- Albanien: Inhaftierung von Migranten für unrechtmäßig erklärt, RAI News, 18.10.2024
- How a stunning 11th-hour race to save a Texas death row inmate from execution in ´shaken baby` case unfolded, CNN, 18.10.2024
- Trump bizarrely claims Democrats to ban cows and windows in buildings, The Guardian, 15.10.2024
- Albanien: Melonie verteidigt Migrantenzentrum in Albanien, RAI News, 14.10.2024
- Trump Rebrands Mass Deportation Plan, Bashes Harris Immigration Policies, Newsweek, 11.10.2024
- Vom Flüchtling zum Experten für Integration, RAI News, 11.10.2024
- Auschwitz survivor who was honoured by King dies aged 100, BBC News, 09.10.2024
- Obituary: Lily Ebert, Holocaust survivor who reached millions on social media, dies at 100, Times of Israel, 09.10.2024
- Extremismus: Imam von Bologna aus Italien ausgewiesen, RAI News, 08.10.2024
- Pennsylvania school boards up window openings that allowed views into its gender-neutral bathrooms, ABC News, 04.10.2024
- EUGH-Urteil: Afghanistans Frauen grundsätzlich Verfolgte, ORF, 04.10.2024
- UK will give sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius, BBC News, 03.10.2024
- Alternativer Nobelpreis für Palästinenser-Widerstand, RAI NEWS, 03.10.2024
- Die neuesten Entwicklungen - Migrationskrise in Europa: Schmuggler zwingen offenbar Flüchtlinge offenbar vor Djibouti zum Schwimmen - mindestens 48 kommen ums Überleben, NZZ, 02.102.2024
- A Texas man is set to be executed for fatally stabbing twin teenage girls in 1989, ABC News, 01.10.2024
- ABORTION RIGHTS: Stat judge strikes down Georgia abortion ban, NBC News, 30.09.2024
- World: Same-sex foster parents raising Flamingo chick at San Diego Zoo, CBS News, 30.09.2024
- UK became the first major economy to stop burning coal for electricity, closing its last power plant, CNN, 30.09.2024
- D: Antisemitismus im Alltag zu bekämpfen, ist Aufgabe aller, Vatican News, 30.09.2024
- Kamala Harris`tough-on-migration pitch at the border points to a shifting national mood, NBC News, 28.09.2024
- Wortlaut: Papstansprache an Universitätsstudenten, Vatican News, 28.09.2024
- Ausland - Neu ausgehandelt: Deutschland beginnt Abschiebungen in die Türkei, Kurier, 28.09.2024
- Niederösterreich - Rassismus im Dorf: "Geht zurück, wo Ihr hergekommen seid", Der Standard, 26.09.2024
- Marcellus Williams executed by lethal injection in Missouri after SCOTUS, ABC News, 25.09.2024
- Grenze Österreich/Ungarn: Empörung über mögliches Flüchtlingslager, ORF, 25.09.2024
- Rassismus beim Dating: "Einfach nicht mein Typ" oder Diskriminierung? Der Standard, 25.09.2024
- South Carolina death row inmate dies by state`s first lethal injection in 13 years, CNN, 20.09.2024
- No RFU action over Wilson-Hardy alleged racist message, BBC Sport, 20.09.2024
- Nach Vorfall in Roter Fabrik: Züricher Stadtparlamentarier fordern Massnahmen gegen Antisemitismus- die SP unterzeichnet nicht, NZZ, 20.09.2024
- Podcasters ´didn`t ask for for racist jokes to be cut`, BBC News, 19.09.2024
- With ten million desplaced, some call it the forgotten war. These numbers explain the conflict in Sudan, ABC News, 15.09.2024
- ´We believe you`: French demonstrators rally in support of mass rape victim, France24, 14.09.2024
- Antisemitismus: Warnung vor Flucht von Jüdinnen und Juden aus Europa im Parlament, Der Standard, 11.09.2024
- Chauvinismus, Rassismus, Korruption - Der spanische Fussball kämpft mit Dauerproblemen, NZZ, 07.09.2024
- Level of abuse in religious schools ´truly` schoking - Foley, RTE News, 04.09.2024
- Noel Gallagher`s daughter Anais hits out at Oasis fans`´ageism an misogyny`, Guardian, 30.08.2024
- New Zealand`s Maori King Tuheitia dies, BBC News, 30.08.2024
- Italian sprinter to become first transgender to compete at Paralympics, ABC News, 23.08.2024s
- Illegal Immigrants: Illegal migrant, caught and released at border, convicted of sex crimes against Virginia child, Fox News, 23.08.2024
- Debatte: Unterberger spricht sich für "Ius Scholae" aus, RAI News, 23.08.2024
- Religiöses Oberhaupt Tibets: Warum zieht der 14. Dalai Lama die Massen ins Hallenstadion?, SRF News, 23.08.2024
- Die Schweiz soll mit Eritrea über die Rückübernahme von Bürgern verhandeln, NZZ, 21.08.2024
- Klimakrise: Steigende Zahl an psychiatrische Behandlungen durch Hitzewelle, Standard, 21.08.2024
- Im Herbst 2024 hat Olaf Scholz angekündigt "im grossen Stil abzuschieben" - ist das geglückt?, NZZ, 19.08.2024
- Yemen was already a hard place to raise an autistic daughter. Then war started, CNN, 18.08.2024
- Nach Hamas-Tweet: So will die Universität Bern in den Islamwissenschaften aufräumen, NZZ, 15.08.2024
- Thousands of ant-racism protesters rally across UK, BBC News, 11.08.2024
- Texas man who claimed intellectual disability is executed for 1997 killing of female jogger, Fox19, 08.08.2024
- Thousands of anti-racism protesters take to streets across England to counter far-right rallies, Guardian, 08.08.2024
- Über 100 Flüchtlinge wegen verbotener Fernreisen verpfiffen, NZZ, 03.08.2024
- Trump falsely questions Harris`race in´does not have any impact`, ABC News, 01.08.2024
- Interview: "Die antisemitische Minderheit kann sich austoben - die meisten Studenten und Professoren zeigen nicht einmal mehr einen Hauch von Gegenwehr", NZZ, 01.08.2024
- "How can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on other side?" the QM-PM responds, CNN News, 31.07.2024
- Frankreich verärgert Algerien: Kritik an Macrons Kurswechsel in Westsahara-Frage, SRF, 31.07.2024
- Keine einzige Abschiebung: Ruanda-Asylpaket kostet Großbritannien 831 Millionen Euro, Standard, 22.07.2024
- DELAYED: Judge delays Wade Wilson`s murder sentence to to August, Fox Four, 19.07.2024
- Keir Starmer pledges £84m to stop illegal migration ´at source`, BBC News, 18.07.2024
- French fury at Argentina`s Copa America insult, France24, 16.07.2024
- Italien: Meloni mahnt Partei nach Rassismus-Enthüllungen, RAI News, 03.07.2024
- Hält das Bürgergeld die Ukrainer vom Arbeitsmarkt fern - oder ist es die deutsche Bürokratie?, NZZ, 03.07.2024
- Die erste Generation: Amerikas Frauen haben das Patriarchat satt und wollen das Klima retten, Standard, 03.07.2024
- Palästinenser: Tote bei israelischen Angriff auf Westjordanland, ORF, 03.07.2024
- Nepal court sentences 'Buddha Boy' to 10 years in jail for sexual abuse, CNN, 02.07.2024
- Rescued hostage Noa Argamani: Main concern in Hanas captivity was for my parents, Times of Israel, 29.06.2024
- Supreme Court upholds law barring domestic abusers from owning guns in Major Second Amendment ruling, CNN, 21.06.2024
- Maryland Dems mourn mom allegedly murdered by illegal migrant but back Biden`s border order, Fox News, 20.06.2024
- French teens charged with anti-Semitic rape in attack condemned by political leaders, France24, 19.06.2024
- Biden announces new executive action protecting some undocumented immigrant spouses and children of US citizens, CNN, 18.06.2024
- Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say, BBC News, 17.06.2024
- Ruf nach mehr Schutz vor Zwangsehen in Österreich, ORF, 17.06.2024
- Flüchtlings-Drama an Grenze zu Russland eskaliert: Europarat warnt Finnland vor Menscnhenrechtsverletzungen, Blick, 17.06.2024
- Letters: Football needs a comprehensive anti-racism strategy, Guardian, 14.06.2024
- U.S. Supreme Court allows access to abortion pill, unanimously rejecting Texas challinge; Texas Tribune, 13.06.2024
- In Germany football has made nationalism cool again. That' s why I am dreading the Euros, Guardian, 13.06.2024
- UN expresses deep concern over new US asylum restrictions, France24, 05.06.2024
- How Biden`s new order to halt asylum at the US border is supposed to work, ABC News, 04.06.2024
- Biden to sign out executive order on immigration as early as this week: Sources, ABC7 Chicago News, 04.06.2024
- Starmer promises to cut net migration under Labour, BBC News, 02.06.2024
- Anti-Israel protesters rally outside Glasgow stadium before Israel-Scotland women`s soccer match, Times of Israel, 31.05.2024
- Protester chains himself to goalposts at Scotland v Israel match, BBC News, 31.05.2024
- 3 Black passengers sue American Airlines after alleging racial discrimination following odor complaint, CBS News, 30.05.2024
- Deutschland setzt mit 200 000 Einbürgerungen einen Rekord - die meisten kommen aus Syrien (NZZ, 28.05.2024)
- Ex-KKK child comes out as transgender in new memoir, NBC News, 25.05.2024
- UN`s top court orders Israel to ´immediately`halt its operation in Rafah, CNN, 24.05.2024
- Thailand legalisiert als erstes Land in Südostasien gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen, NZZ, 21.05.2024
- PM says ´day of shame`as he apologises to blood scandal victims, BBC News, 20.05.2024
- Mehr als 3000 Tote - "Katalog des Versagens": Blutspende-Skandal erschüttert Briten, SWR News, 20.05.2024:
- ICC seeks arrest warrants for Israeli PM, defence minister and Hamas leaders, Al Jazeera, 20.05.2024
- Middle East: Israeli strikes on Jabalia camp in northern Gaza kill more than 10, injure dozens, France24, 18.05.2024
- Police kill armed man officials say set fire to synagogoue in northern French city of Rouen, CBS News, 17.05.2024
- Der ESC und seine Folgen - Nemo ist weder Mann noch Frau: Geht so das Ende der Geschlechter?, Standard, 17.05.2024
- Kulturkampf um Gender und Pornografie in englischen Klassenzimmern: Nun reguliert die Regierung den Sexualkundeunterricht neu, NZZ, 17.05.2024
- Schools told not to teach about gender identity, BBC News, 16.05.2024
- Britain`s embattled Conservative government has a new target: Sex education, CNN, 16.05.2024
- Maryland can`t opt kids out of LGBTQ book curriculum, NBC News, 16.05.2024
- Plan to ban sex education for children under nine, BBC News, 15.05.2024
- Payments to Ukrainian refugees in State accommodation to be cut, RTE News, 14.05.2024
- Israel-Gaza war: UN says Indian staff member killed in Gaza, BBC News, 14.05.2024
- U.S. News: Police clear pro-Palestinian protest camp and arrest 33 at DC campus as mayor`s hearing is canceled, AP News, 09.05.2024
- Erst jeder vierte Ukraine-Flüchtling in der Schweiz ist erwerbstätig - der Bundesrat will das ändern, NZZ, 08.05.2024
- What`s in the same-sex parenting book banned by Cumberlan City councillors in Western City, ABC News, 08.05.2024
- Rede gegen Antisemitismus: Biden zieht eine direkte Linie vom Holocaust zum Hamas-Terror, NZZ, 07.05.2024
- ÖVP plant Verschärfungen beim Familiennachzug, ORF News, 05.05.2024
- Verschärfungen: Wie und warum die ÖVP beim Thema Familiennachzug die Flucht nach vorn antritt, Standard, 05.05.2024
- Flüchtlingsabkommen mit Libanon: "EU hat bisher weggeschaut", ORF, 03.05.2024
- Interview: "Antisemitismus gehört mittlerweile zum kulturellen Code", sagt Lars Henrik Gass, NZZ, 03.05.2024
- What is the UK`s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda and how many could go?, BBC News, 02.05.2024
- London protesters block transfer of asylum seekers to Bibby Stockholm, Guardian, 02.05.2024
- World: Biden calls U.S. ally Japan ´xenohobic` along with China und Russia, NBC News, 02.05.2024
- Antisemitismus - Hassparolen und Steinwürfe: Häufung antisemitischer Vorfälle in Wien, Standard, 02.05.2024
- Rising Hindu nationalism leaves Muslims fearful in India`s hole city, CNN, 01.05.2024
- Failed asylum seeker given 3,000 to go to Rwanda, BBC News, 01.05.2024
- Trump discusses using military to expel illegal immigrants in second term: ´They aren`t civilians`, Fox News, 30.04.2024
- World / China: This Chinese virologist shared crucial Covid-19 data. Then his research hit hurdles, CNN, 30.04.2024
- DHS docs reveal where paroled migrants under controversial Biden flight program are landing, Fox News, 30.04.2024
- Politics: Congressional Black Caucus chairman talks Biden`s campagin efforts to appeal to Black voters, CBS News, 30.04.2024
- NYPD clear Columbia campus; police break into occupied Hamilton Hall, Fox5 News, 30.04.2024
- Israel - Hamas war: Jewish and pro-Palestinian students on Columbia University accuse school officials of discriminating n competing complaints, NBC News, 30.04.2024
- News | Israel War on Gaza: Israeli officials eye threat of ICC arrest warrants over war in Gaza, Aljazeera News, 29.04.2024
- What is the International Criminal Court and why it has Israeli officials worried, ABC News, 29.04.2024
- Anti-Israel protesters dig in as some schools clamp down on encampment, Times of Israel, 27.04.2024
- Local News: Pro-Palestinian student protest at Northeastern University in Boston cleared by police, CBS News, 27.04.2024
- U.S. News: A look of the Gaza war protests that have emerged on US college campuses, AP News, 26.042.2024
- Hamas Slams US Crackdown on Pro-Palestinian College Protests, Newsweek, 25.04.2024
- Arizona House votes to overturn 1864 abortion ban, paving way to to leave 15-week limit in place, CNN, 25.04.2024
- World: British Parliament passes bill to allow controversial deportations of migrants to Rwanda, CBS News, 23.04.2024
- What is the UK`s plan to send asylum seekers Rwanda and how many could go?, BBC News, 23.04.2024
- UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, Guardian News, 23.04.2024
- Mindestsicherung: Grüne gegen Vorstoß von AMS-Chef, ORF News, 21.04.2024
- Analysis: Ethnic tensions complicate the Albanes Government`s multicultural political reform, ABC News, 19.04.2024
- World / Europe: Far-right German politician on trial accused of using banned Nazi slogans, CNN, 18.04.2024
- ETH-Bericht liegt vor: Wie antisemitisch war der Gründer der Raffaisen-Bewegung, SRF News, 18.04.2024
- Tennessee Senate advances bill to allow death penalty for child rape, ABC News, 10.04.2024
- Bavaria mulls cannabis-free Oktoberfest beer party, BBC News, 10.04.2024
- USA Today reportedly changes headline on Trump`s abortion stance after Biden-Harris campaign complain, Fox News, 09.04.2024
- More than half of foreign-born people in US live in just 4 states and half are naturalized citizens, ABC News, 09.04.2024
- Israel - Hamas War: What World Central Kitchen does and why the attack that killed 7 volunteers in Gaza matters, NBC News, 02.04.2024
- News - Israel War on Gaza: Netanyahu says Israeli forces killed World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza, Aljazeera, 02.04.2024
- The Brazilian farm workers exploited to harvest an everyday ingredient, BBC News, 31.03.2024
- This US state is not covered by NATO treaty. Some experts say that needs to change, CNN, 30.03.2024
- Religion: Liberal churches celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter this year: "DRAG ME TO CHURCH", Fox News, 30.03.2024
- Migration policy hardens as Govt senses public backlashes, RTE News, 30.03.2024
- Volunteer defends helping vulnerable migrants on Arizona`s perilous southern border, CNN, 29.03.2024
- Israel accused of killing dozens of Syria troops and Hezbollah fighters with major airstrikes near Aleppo, CBS News, 29.03.2024
- Georgia legislature passes new immigration enforcement bill following Laken Riley`s killing, CNN, 29.03.2024
- Genocide suspect arrested in Ohio, BBC News, 22.03.2024
- UN adopts first global artificial intelligence resolution, RTE News, 22.03.2024
- Kultur - Künstler ausladen: Antisemitismus-Debatte überschattet Wiener Festwochen, Kurier, 22.03.2024
- `A momentous day`: All 6 rogue Mississippi officer got long prison sentences in ´Goon Squad` torture of of 2 Black men, CNN, 21.03.2024
- Border Security: Illegal immigrants storm US border in El Paso, knock over guards amid standoff over Texas law, Fox News, 21.03.2024
- News | UNRWA: US congress-leaders propose spending bill that would cut UNRWA funding, Aljazeera News, 21.03.2024
- Supreme Court allows Texas to begin enforcing controversial immigration law, CNN, 20.03.2024
- Trump promotes abortion compromise as Democrats push issue 2024 race, Fox News, 17.03.2024
- Rassisten hüben, Antisemiten drüben? Grossbritannien streitet über Meinungsfreiheit und Extremismus, NZZ, 16.03.2024
- "Katastrophe": Türk warnt vor Militäraktion in Rafah, ORF, 14.03.2024
- Tory donor` alleged comments about Dian Abbott were racist, saying Downing Street, BBC News, 13.03.2024
- Pope Francis urges Ukraine to to ´have courage of the white flag` and negotiate end to war with Russia, ABC News, 10.03.2024
- Linke und Grüne für Abtreibungsrecht in Grundrechtecharta, ORF, 10.03.2024
- Inspiriert vom Adventskalendar: Jeden Tag ein Türchen öffnen zu Ramadan, SRF, 10.03.2024
- Sinnloser Abwehrkampf - Apple vs. EU: Wenn ein Mega-Konzern sich wie ein trotziges Kind aufführt, Standard, 10.03.2024
- Interview: "Antisemitismus ist wie eine Hydra", NZZ, 10.03.2024
- SPÖ fordert Trackinggeräte für Frauengefährder, ORF, 10.03.2024
- Irish PM concedes defeat in referendums about women`s role in the home, definition of family, CBS, 09.03.2024
- Family referendum looks set comprehensive defeat, RTE, 09.03.2024
- Das historische Bild: Aufgeräumte Trümmer, sortierte Schuttkegel, NZZ, 09.03.2024
- Hat die FPÖ wirklich für ein Flüchtlingsquarier in Salzburg gestimmt?, Profil, 08.03.2024
- France to enschrine abortin rights in constitution as a ´guaranteed freedom`, France24, 04.03.2024
- Ja zur 13. AHV-Rente - "Vorlage war so aufgelegt, dass sie vielen Menschen nützt", SRF News, 04.03.2024
- Covid ´pandemic babies`show two`fascinationg` biological changes, study finds, Daily Mail, 02.03.2024
- Femizide - Nicht in Sicherheit: Eine Woche unfassbarer Gewalt gegen Frauen in Österreich, Standard, 02.03.2024
- U.S. News: On the Rio grande, 300 miles apart, Biden und Trump try to use immigration to election advantage, AP News, 01.03.2024
- Idaho stops execution of serial killer Thomas Creech after officials can`t set a IV line, CNN, 28.02.2024
- Gaza: Bischof fordert Ende der Kämpfe - Hungersnot vermeiden, Vatican News, 27.02.2024
- Active duty-airman sets himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy, Air Force confirms, ABC News, 26.02.2024
- Israel to summon Brazilian ambassador after President Lula likens Israel `s actions in Gaza to Holocaust, CNN, 18.02.2024
- Podcast Gut zu wissen - Warum wir nicht wegschauen dürfen: Was man gegen Mobbing in der Schule tun kann (Tiroler Tageszeitung, 18.02.2024
- Biden temporarily protects Palestinians in the US for deportation amid conflict abroad, CNN, 14.02.2024
- Arigona Zogaj ist jetzt Österreicherin, Standard, 12.02.2024
- Keine Schlitten für Juden: schon wieder ein Eklat in Davos, NZZ, 12.02.2024
- Trump calls for "largest deportation deportation operation", Fox Carolina, 11.02.2024
- Abortions have increased significantly in states that border those with bans, new analysis finds, CNN, 11.02.204
- Sexismus im Literaturbetrieb, ORF, 10.02.2024
- Lebensraum und Zuwanderung: In der Schweiz könnten Millionen Platz haben, SRF, 10.02.2024
- Five-year-old-girl found dead after being trapped in car under Israeli fire, CNN, 10.02.2024
- Sanctuaries Cities: Colorado residents in uproar over rumors Lakewood could become sanctuary city for migrants, Fox News, 08.02.2024
- Europe migrant crisis: Boat sinks off Tunisia with more than 40 Sudanese on board, BBC News, 08.02.2024
- Germany: About 200,000 people protest across Germany against far-right AfD party, Guardian, 03.02.2024
- Stormont: Michelle O`Neill makes history as nationalist first minister, BBC News, 03.02.2024
- Europe: Tens of thousands gather in Berlin to protest far-right AfD party, France24, 03.02.2024
- Gallery | Protests: At least 150,000 protest in Berlin against Germany`s far right, Aljazeera, 03.02.2024
- Germany attractive for skilled workers despite discrimination - OECD, Times of India, 31.01.2024
- Revealed:UK granted asylum to rwanda refugees while arguing country was safe, Guardian, 27.01.2024
- Palestinians comdemn suspencion of UNWRA funding by Western nations, Aljazeera, 27.01.2024
- U.S.: Kenneth Eugene Smith executed by nitrogene hypoxia in Alabama, making a first for the death penalty, CBS News, 26.01.2024
- Constitutional Censure - French immigration law: What are the measures deemed unconstitutional? France24, 25.01.2024:
- French Constitutional Council rejects large parts of controversial immigration law; Le Monde, 25.01.2024
- Marine Le Pen prend ses distances avec ses partenaires allemands de L`AfD, France24, 25.01.2024
- Singer-songwriter Nancy Bates hopes to help female prisoners from reoffending through music, ABC News, 25.01.2024
- US Supreme Court declines to halt execution of Alabama inmate set to be the first to die by nitrogen gas, CNN, 24.01.2024
- ´I go to sleep a dead man`- father`s pain at daughter`s captivity in Gaza, BBC News, 24.01.2024
- Former pop star shares abortion regret: ´I have a Grammy but none of it will bring my children back`, Fox News, 24.01.2024
- Germany`s far-right AfD face mounting protests over plan to deport migrants, CNN, 20.01.2024
- International - Germany: 250,000 march in protests against far-right AfD, Le Monde, 20.01.2024
- News - The Far Right: Tens of thousands protest in Germany against the far right, Aljazeera, 20.01.2024
- Member of new Havard antisemitism task force signed letter saying Israel imposes ´apartheid`, Times of Israel, 20.01.2024
- Immigration and asylum: Rishi Sunak`s Rwanda deportation bill passes third reading in Commons, Guardian, 17.01.2024
- What is the UK`s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda?, BBC News, 16.01.2024
- Over 70,000 people live in Australia illegally, experts say many are vulnerable to exploitation, ABC News, 15.01.2024
- Chronik: Bräutigam wurde während Hochzeit verhaftet, ORF, 15.01,2024
- Demonstranten provozieren erneut mit "From the river to the sea"-Parole - doch die Baseler Staatsanwaltschaft will von einem Strafverfahren nichts wissen, NZZ, 14.01.2024
- London police respond after speaker at pro-Palaestinian event calls to ´normalize massacres`, Fox News, 14.01.2024
- US professor who called for ´global Jihad`on Israel, supported Hamas suspended, Jerusalem Post, 14.01.2024
- Treffen Rechtsextremer in Potsdam: Der Vordenker der "Remigration" hat längst Verbindungen in die Politik, NZZ, 13.01.2024
- Scharf Rechts - "Remigration": Wie Rechtsextreme ihre Vertreibungspläne verharmlosen, Standard, 12.01.2024
- Geld bekennt nur, wer sich gegen Antisemitismus bekennt - die Berliner Kunstszene sieht ihre Freiheit bedroht, NZZ, 09.01.2024
- Lily Gladstone becomes first female actor who who identifies as indigenous to win a Golden Globe, CNN, 08.01.2024
- Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, ABC News, 05.01.2024
- More than 33,000 migrants face deportation to Rwanda, Telegraph, 02.01.2024
- Claudine Gay, Harvard University`s embattled pesident, resigns, NBC News, 02.01.2024
- Supreme Court ruling on responsibility standard sparks firestorm, Israel National News, 01.01.2024
- What once was liberation is now often seen as a burden: Australia`s complicated relationship with the pill, ABC News, 31.12.2023
- Male pill: The scientist working on 'progress for humanity', BBC News, 30.12.2023
- ABORTION RIGHTS: Women set Wyoming`s only full-service abortion clinic on fire ordered to pay $298,000, NBC Service, 27.12.2023
- Mayorkas, Blinken und Mexican President Discuss How to Slow Border Crossings, The Wall Street Journal, 27.12.2023
- Migration in die USA: Aus dem Süden Mexikos u Fuss in Richtung USA, SRF News, 27.12.2023
- Black students weigh mentioning race in college admissions essays after SCOTUS affirmative action ruling, CNN, 26.12.2023
- Migrant caravan slogs on through southern Mexico with no expectations from a US-Mexico meeting, ABC News, 26.12.2023
- France: Plane held for days in France on trafficking concerns lands in India, Le Monde, 26.12.2023
- France: France grounds plane carrying 300 Indians passengers over suspected human trafficking, Francd24, 23.12.2023
- Texas Gov. Abbott flies migrants to Chicago in protest of city ordiance, ABC News, 21.12.2023
- Thailand edges closer to legalising same-sex marriage, Reuters, 21.12.2023
- Oklahoma man declared innocent after spending 48 years in prison, ABS CBN News, 21.12.2023
- French parliament adopts toughened immigration law backed by far right, France24, 19.12.2023
- Texas immigration law known as SB4, allowing state to arrest migrants, signed by Gov. Gregg Abbott, CBS News, 18.12.2023
- Al Jazeera journalist Samer Abudaqa laid to rest in southern Gaza, Al Jazeera, 16.12.2023
- "Unerträgliche Tragödie": Unerträgliche Tötung von Geiseln erschüttert Israel, ORF, 16.12.2023
- Why Claudine still has a job after Penns`Liz Magill ouster, CNN, 11.12.2023
- University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigns, CNN, 09.12.2023
- Penn`s Leaderschip Resigns Amid Controversies Over Antisemitism, NY Times, 09.12.2023
- Lehrplananpassung und Diskriminierung im Schülerparlament, ORF Voralberg, 08.12.2023
- Get behind my Rwanda asyulm plan, Rishi Sunak tells Tories, BBC News, 07.12.2023
- Universities Face Congressional Inquiry and Angry Donors over Handling of Antisemitism, New York Times, 07.12.2023
- Texas grants Texas woman`s request for emergency abortion in historic ruling, ABC News, 07.12.2023
- Robert Jenrick resigns as immigration minister over Rwanda legislation, BBC News, 07.12.2023
- In pictures: Germany`s Scholz lights first candle as Hannuka celebrated around the world, BBC, 07.12.2023
- Als ich Juden nicht riechen konnte - über den Antisemitismus von Josef Stalin, Judith Butler, Greta Tunberg und mir, NZZ, 02.12.2023
- Niger lässt die Migranten wieder passieren und stößt damit die EU vor den Kopf, NZZ, 27.11.2023
- EuGH-Urteil erlaubt Kopftuchverbot für Behördenmitarbeiter, Standard, 28.11.2023
- With antisemitism rising as the Israel-Hamas war rages, Europe`s Jews worry, ABC News, 26.11.2023
- Derek Chauvin, officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, stabbed in prison, NBC News, 25.11.2023
- Gewalt gegen Frauen: Zahlreiche Forderungen zum fehlenden Gewaltschutz, ORF, 24.11.2023
- As democrats push to ban caste discrimination, some Indian Americans object, Washington Post, 22.11.2023
- Jamie Foxx accused of sexual assault in new lawsuit, CNN, 22.11.2023
- Immigration: Denver spends millions on transporting migrants to other parts of US, Fox News, 19.11.2023
- What does it mean to be asexual?, NBC News, 19.11.2023
- With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals his ´actual truth`, CNN Business, 17.11.2023
- Ministry of Defence: Sixty women of DoM complain of widespread ´toxic`and ´hostile` behaviour, Guardian, 16.11.2023
- What was the UK`s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda?, BBC News, 15.11.2023
- Supreme court says government`s Rwanda deportation policy is unlawful - UK polics live, Guardian, 15.11.2023
- More than 100,000 people march in Paris against anti-Semitism, France24, 12.11.2023
- French Jews concerned over Macron`s ´killing women and children in Gaza`, Jerusalem Post, 12.11.2023
- Macron condemns ´unbearable resurgence` of anti-Semitism in France ahead of Sunday`s march, Le Monde, 11.11.2023
- Trump plots mass detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power, CNN, 11.11.2023
- Macron calls Israel to stop killing Gaza`s women and babies, BBC News, 11.11.2023
- 21% of France`s immigrants have been, at some point, undocumented, Le Monde, 11.11.2023
- Indigenous people and climate change: With Aboriginal Australians when the bush burns (3/3), France24, 10.11.2023
- ´Where will we go?`First Nations court bid to force federal action on climate, SMH, 08.11.2023
- Ohio voters enschrine abortion abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights, ABC News, 07.11.2023
- Ohio voters approve amendment to etablish right to abortion in state constitution, CBS New projekts, CBS News, 07.11.2023
- French immigration bill would expel ´foreigners who commit crimes`, France24, 06.11.2023
- France's Sénat starts debating contested immigration bill; Le Monde, 06.11.2023
- Migrant caravan heading through Mexico to US grows in numbers, BBC News, 03.11.2023
- Live Updates - Israel-Hamas war live: Israel says its forces surround Gaza City, Al Jazeera, 02.11.2023
- Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declares Palestinian lives matter too, as government urges Israel to observe rules of war, ABC News, 02.11.2023
- The Gaza crisis is stoking antisemitism in the U.S., NBC News, 01.11.2023
- Border Security: Mayorkas confirms over 600,000 illegal immigrants evaded law enforcement at southern border last fiscal year, Fox News, 31.10.2023
- UK scrambles charter flights to bring thousands of Afghans stuck in Pakistan hotels to safety in Britain, Independence, 26.10.2023
- Queen Rania of Jordan accuses West of ´glaring double standard` as the death toll rised in besieged Gaza, CNN, 25.10.2023
- UNICEF: 2360 Kinder im Gazastreifen seit dem Terrorangriff getötet, Kurier, 25.10.2023
- In Island, dem Land der Gleichstellung, streiken die Frauen für mehr Gleichstellung. Was würden sie wohl zur Schweiz sagen?, NZZ, 24.10.2023
- Police are searching for motive in the death of the Detroit synagogue leader who was found with multiple stab wounds, CNN, 22.10.2023
- Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found murdered, BBC News, 22.10.2023
- Outraged at antisemitic agitation in Germany, Chancellor Scholz vows ‘never again’, Times of Israel, 22.10.2023
- Watch as hundreds gather in Berlin for Israel solidarity demo at Brandenburg Gate, Independent, 22.10.2023
- European cities see vigils to oppose antisemitism and rallies seeking relief for Gaza, AP News, 22.10.2023
- View from the Israeli streets: Ireland is 'not with us', RTE News, 22.10.2023
- Disappointed but will keep fighting, say activists after SC verdict on same-sex marriages, Public TV India, 17.10.2023
- SC refuses to give marriage equality right to LGBTQIA+ community, Public TV India, 17.10.2023
- News | LGBTQ: India’s top court rejects appeal to legalise same-sex marriage, AlJazeera, 17.10.2023
- Georgia deputy shoots, kills Black man who spent 16 years in prison on wrongful conviction, ABC News, 16.10.2023
- Interview: «Wir sehen eine Perversion des islamischen Glaubens, die viel zu lange ignoriert worden ist, insbesondere in Europa und in Deutschland», NZZ, 16.10.2023
- Israel: Rubio urges Biden administration to cancel visas for foreign nationals who support Hamas' attack on Israel, Fox News, 15.10.2023
- Voice referendum updates: Nation votes No to Voice to Parliament, with all six states rejecting change — as it happened, ABC News, 14.10.2023
- Blog - Recht (un)gerecht: Diskriminierung wegen unterschiedlicher Meinungen am Arbeitsplatz - Recht - Wissen und Gesellschaft, Der Standard, 13.10.2023
- Angriff auf Israel: Israel fordert zur Evakuierung von Gazas Norden auf, SRF News, 13.10.2023
- Nahost-Konflikt: Israels Militär will 1,1 Millionen Menschen umsiedeln, RAI News, 13.10.2023
- New UCC research on links between workplaces and mental health, RTE News, 13.10.2023
- Vorstellungsgespräch: Jeder dritte Bewerber ist von Diskriminierung betroffen, Der Standard, 12.10.2023
- Middle East - Timeline From 1947 to 2023: Retracing the complex, tragic Israeli-Palestinian conflict, France24, 11.10.2023
- U.S. - NEWS: A transgender student, her crusading mom — and an English teacher caught in the middle, NBC News, 11.10.2023
- For hundreds of migrant children living in shelters at the border, this CNN Hero’s mobile classrooms offer education and stability , CNN, 06.10.2023
- Biden attacked from both sides over new Texas border wall, BBC News, 06.10.2023
- Iranian women's rights advocate Narges Mohammadi wins 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, RTE News, 06.10.2023
- White House speeds up additions to Trump border wall years after Biden vowed ‘not another foot’ , CNBC, 05.10.2023
- Nach Anschlagsserie im 2023 - Pakistan will alle illegalen afghanischen Flüchtlinge ausschaffen, SRF News, 05.10.2023
- Equity and :Latinas lose $1.2 million over their careers as wage gap persists, CNBC, 05.10.2023
- Conservative Party Conference: PM Rishi Sunak proposes to raise minimum smoking age, BBC News, 04.10.2023
- Supreme Court to consider whether Americans with Disabilities Act ‘tester’ can sue hotels for non-compliance with the law, CNN, 04.10.2023
- European Union - Immigration: EU states reach deal on migration reforms, Le Monde, 04.10.2023
-, SRF News, 04.10.2023
- Asylkompromiss: EU-Staaten einig bei Krisenverordnung, ORF, 04.10.2023
- Iran hijab police accused of beating girl into coma, BBC News, 04.10.2023
- Pulverfass Kosovo - Präsident von Serbien: "Wir wollen keinen Krieg", SRF, 01.10.2023
- Almost all ethnic Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh with the remaining hundreds planning to leave, ABC News, 30.09.2023
- Nebraska mother sentenced to 2 years in prison for giving abortion pills to pregnant daughter, LA Times, 22.09.2023
- U.S.: Lizzo facing new lawsuit from former employee alleging harassment, discrimination, CBS News, 22.09.2023
- ANALYSIS: The Drum's special South Australia panel discuss the state's key role in the referendum, ABC News, 22.09.2023
- New York: Gov. Kathy Hochul has message for migrants looking to come to New York: 'Go somewhere else', Fox News, 11.09.2023
- The number of migrants crossing the US-Mexico border is likely to keep growing. Here are 3 reasons why, CNN, 21.09.2023
- U.S.: U.S. offers nearly half-a-million Venezuelan migrants legal status and work permits following demands from strained cities, CBS News, 20.09.2023
- Nationales Burka-Verbot kommt - Von Belgien bis Sri Lanka: Hier ist der Schleier schon gefallen, SRF News, 20.09.2023
- Wegen Tirade gegen das Gendern: Lässt Züricher Partykönig Heino fallen?, Blick, 20.09.2023
- Black Texas student given additional suspension for loc hairstyle, CNN, 19.09.2023
- Papst appelliert: Migrationskrise kann man nur gemeinsam lösen, Vactican News, 17.09.2023
- UK, France and Germany to keep nuclear sanctions on Iran, BBC News, 15.09.2023
- Immigration and asylum: Starmer criticised by left and right after setting out plan to stop Channel crossings, Guardian, 14.09.2023
- Fünf Monate Krieg - Dieser Mann dokumentiert Gräueltaten im Sudan, SRF, 14.09.2023
- COLETTE M. SCHMIDT: Kleidervorschriften an Schulen sind pures Bodyshaming für junge Frauen, Standard, 14.09.2023
- School board reportedly votes to retain trans tennis coach after girls' locker room controversy, Fox News, 14.09.2023
- Zwangsprostitution - Das Geschäft mit dem schnellen Sex: Hotspot Zürcher Langstrasse, SRF, 14.09.2023
- Illegal Immigrants: Arizona border county blindsided as Biden admin orders street release of illegal migrants, Fox News, 13.09.2023
- Opinion - Healthcare industry: The sexual abuse of female surgeons comes as no surprise to me. I quit rather than endure the misogyny, Guardian, 13.09.2023
- Protest ohne Kopftuch: Peitschenhiebe für Iranerin, ORF, 09.09.2023
- California is first US state to pass ban on caste discrimination, BBC News, 07.09.2023
- IMMIGRATION: Federal judge orders Texas to remove floating barrier in Rio Grande designed to deter migrants, NBC News, 07.09.2023
- Mexico edges closer to electing first woman president, BBC News, 07.09.2023
- Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalises abortion nationwide, France24 News, 07.09.2023
- Trans teacher known for massive prosthetic Z-cups seen without breasts for return to Canadian classroom, Fox News, 06.09.2023
- POLITICS: Judge orders Texas to remove floating border barriers, granting Biden administration request, CBS News, 06.09.2023
- Flüchtlinge: In Italien beginnt Kampagne für Einbürgerung von Migrantenkindern, RAI News, 06.09.2023
- Madison police reveal how they caught University of Wisconsin sex assault suspect, Fox News, 06.09.2023
- North Carolina Supreme Court justice files lawsuit over state investigation into her comments about diversity, CCN, 04.09.2023
- Highest number of migrants cross Channel in 2023, BBC News, 03.09.2023
- Transparency data: Migrants detected crossing the English Channel in small boats, Gov.UK, 03.09.2023
- Ihm droht die Todesstrafe 20-Jähriger in Uganda wegen «schwerer Homosexualität» angeklagt, Blick, 29.08.2023
- Afghan women once worked in this popular national park. Now they’re not even allowed to visit, CNN, 28.08.2023
- Taliban stop female Afghan students leaving country to study in Dubai, BBC News, 28.08.2023
- Alabama set to be first state to execute a prisoner by forcing them to breathe pure nitrogen, New York Post, 27.08.2023
- French education minister announces ban on Islamic abayas in schools, France24, 27.08.2023
- France bans wearing Islamic abaya dresses in schools, Le Monde, 27.08.2023
- Jacksonville gunman in racially motivated attack legally bought two weapons earlier this year, sheriff says, CNN, 27.08.2023
- KOMMENTAR: Der Israel-Knacks der Linken, NZZ, 25.08.2023
- Rohingya: Gang violence stalks world's largest refugee camp, BBC News, 25.08.2023
- Warnung des Weltkirchenrats - Gewalt gegen Christen in Israel nimmt zu – das sind die Gründe, SRF, 25.08.2023
- Picasso nannte sie «die sensationellste Frau aller Zeiten»: Josephine Baker wurde als Sexsymbol berühmt und zur Vorkämpferin gegen Rassismus, NZZ, 18.08.2023
- SPRACHE: Ein Handbuch soll Sexismus aus indischen Gerichten verbannen, Standard, 17.08.2023
- «Wir haben uns vorgestellt, mit dir später Gruppensex zu haben» – eine Schweizer Schachspielerin spricht über sexuelle Belästigungen, NZZ, 17.08.2023
- Gravesend hotel will not be used for asylum accommodation, BBC News, 17.08.2023
- Arabische Juden in Israel – ihre lange Geschichte der Diskriminierung spaltet bis heute das Land, NZZ, 17.08.2023
- Refugee mother says giving birth in Wollongong Hospital one of most traumatic experiences of her life, ABC News, 15.08.2023
- 3-year-old riding one of Texas’ migrant buses dies on the way to Chicago, officials say, NBC News, 12.08.2023
- Channel migrants: More than 100,000 crossings made since 2018, BBC News, 11.08.2023
- Suella Braverman under pressure to scrap refugee barge plan after legionella found, Guardian News, 11.08.2023
- Government secretive over Manchester asylum seeker plans - MP, BBC News, 11.08.2023
- California school board votes to allow parents to be notified if child identifies as transgender, Fox News, 11.08.2023
- Bibby Stockholm: Ministers face legal action over barge planning permissions, BBC News, 10.08.2023
- ETH-Studie zu Asyl: Zustimmung zu Asylsuchenden steigt - auch im rechten Lager, SRF, 09.08.2023
- Flucht und Migration: Solidarität gegenüber Geflüchteten in Europa stabil, Standard, 09.08.2023
- Piraten - Angriff? 41 tote Geflüchtete bei Bootsunglück, Kurier, 09.08.2023
- RUBEN NAVARRETTE JR.: Jason Aldean’s his country song isn’t racist, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 08.08.2023
- Immigration and asylum: UK may try to send small boat arrivals to Ascension Island, minister confirms, Guardian, 07.08.2023
- Africa: Zambia women’s World Cup coach accused of sexual misconduct, Guardian, 04.08.2023
- Bipartisan bill would allow people who consumed marijuana to gain federal employment, Fox News, 02.08.2023
- Decades after their abuse ended, four women unite to jail paedophile John Voronoff, ABC News, 02.08.2023
- AI will fuel disturbing ‘build-a-child’ industry, Fox News, 02.08.2023
- Kommunikations-Flop: Die Regierung Meloni informiert per SMS über Streichung des Bürgergelds, NZZ, 01.08.2023
- U.S. NEWS: FBI finds 200 sex trafficking victims, 59 missing children in two-week sweep, NBC News, 01.08.2023
- Deutschland kommt im Kampf gegen Kinderarmut voran, NZZ, 26.07.2023
- Federal judge blocks Biden’s controversial asylum policy in a major blow to administration, CNN, 25.07.2023
- Deutschland bekommt die irreguläre Migration nicht in den Griff und verprellt zugleich die dringend benötigten Fachkräfte – was zu tun wäre, NZZ, 23.07.2023
- Activist confronts St. Louis school board over poor Black student outcomes: 'Require your criminal conviction', Fox News, 20.07.2023
- The female suspect in a 2022 fire at a Wyoming abortion clinic is set to take a plea deal, ABC News, 20.07.2023
- ABORTION RIGHTS: Woman suing Texas over abortion ban vomits on the stand in emotional reaction during dramatic hearing, NBC News, 20.07.2023
- Nearly two years after Texas’ six-week abortion ban, more infants are dying, CNN News, 20.07.2023
- The bitter irony in Democrats' latest racist attack on Clarence Thomas, Fox News, 20.07.2023
- Is gender dysphoria a mental? Here’s what you should know, CNN, 19.07.2023
- DeSantis talks Trump, trans issues and 'what wokeness is, ABC News, 19.07.2023
- POLITICS: Texas said to be ignoring federal inquiries about its floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande, Houston Chronicle, 18.07.2023
- How is the UK stopping Channel crossings and what are the legal routes to the UK?, BBC News, 18.07.2023
- Immigration and asylum: UK illegal migration bill will have profound consequences, warns UN body, Guardian News, 18.07.2023
- LGBT rights in Africa: Will Kenya be the latest to pass anti-gay law?, BBC News, 18.07.2023
- Kommentar zum Asylabkommen: Schmutziger Deal mit Tunesien, Tagesanzeiger, 16.07.2023
- Republican prosecutors target corporate diversity programmes, BBC News, 15.07.2023
- PSNI criticised for uniform ban at Belfast Pride, RTE News, 15.07.2023
- LATINO: Latino families with trans minors fear new laws limiting medical treatment: 'It’s what's kept my daughter alive', NBC News, 14.07.2023
- The Women's World Cup: Scoring a goal for equality?, France24, 14.07.2023
- NBCBLK: Jesse Jackson to step down as head of civil rights organization Rainbow PUSH Coalition A spokesperson for his son confirmed the long-time civil rights leader would be retiring from the organization at 81., NBC News, 14.07.2023
- Former Australian rules football umpiring coach Michael Rigo faces court charged with sexually abusing 16-year-old boy, ABC News, 14.07.2023
- IMMIGRATION: Latino Cabinet members tout Biden's immigration policies amid congressional impasse, NBC News, 14.07.2023
- Risse in der Regierung - Ein politisches Sommertheater in Italien, das tief blicken lässt, SRF, 14.07.2023
- What is the UK's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda?, BBC News, 12.07.2023
- Reports of discriminatory behavior in soccer hit ‘alarming’ record number, according to Kick It Out, CNN, 12.07.2023
- Der Zorn des Nobelpreisträgers, NZZ, 09.07.2023
- ANDRÁS SZIGETVARI: Orbáns Antisemitismus und das Schweigen des Kanzlers, Standard, 09.07.2023
- Ministertreffen von Adria-Anrainern zum Thema Migration, ORF, 09.07.2023
- Sexuelle Belästigung: Ein Machtspiel, das Karrieren und Branchen zerstört, Kurier, 08.07.2023
- MIGRATION: Nehammer verteidigt Migrationsgipfel mit Orbán und Vučić, Standard, 06.07.2023
- Bilanz nach 20 Jahren - Personenfreizügigkeit: Schweiz profitiert von Zuwanderung, SRF, 04.07.2023
- Fast eine Million Asylanträge 2022 in Europa, ORF, 04.07.2023
- A new Texas law forces vendors to rate sexual content in schoolbooks. They’re not happy about it, CNN, 04.07.2023
- Keine «10-Millionen-Schweiz» - SVP will mit neuer Initiative Zuwanderung begrenzen, SRF, 04.07.2023
- Drop in international protection applicants from 'safe countries', Cabinet to be told, RTE, 04.07.2023
- Fast 200 Menschen im Mittelmeer gerettet, ORF, 04.07.2023
- California reparations: How do you put a price on racism?, BBC, 02.07.2023
- Koning Willem-Alexander maakt excuses voor slavernijverleden: ‘Laten we elkaar steunen’, De Telegraaf, 01.072.2023
- Entertainment & Arts: Jeremy Clarkson's Meghan article was sexist to duchess, press regulator rules, BBC, 01.07.2023
- WORLD: US Supreme Court deals blow to LGBT rights in web designer case, RNZ, 01.07.2023
- Crystal meth: Germany grapples with scourge of highly addictive drug, France24
- HIGHER EDUCATION Biden wants to help keep colleges diverse. Can he?, Washington Post, 30.06.2023
- Biden rips Supreme Court decision on race-based college admissions: 'Not a normal court', Fox News, 29.06.2023
- U.S.: HOW THE END OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COULD AFFECT THE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS PROCESS How the End of Affirmative Action Could Affect the College Admissions Process, Time, 29.06.2023
- COURTS & LAW: Supreme Court rejects race-based affirmative action in college admissions, Washington Post, 29.06.2023
- Sorgen und Wut: Gleichgeschlechtliche Paare fürchten um die Rechte ihrer Familien, RAI News, 29.06.2023
- Influencer Dylan Mulvaney condemns Bud Light’s response to transphobia, BBC, 29.06.2023
- LIVE - Sunak: Court is wrong to stop Rwanda plan, and we will appeal, BBC News, 29.06.2023
- Police say university stabbing in gender issues class was motivated by hate, ABC News, 29.06.2023
- Uganda passed one of the world’s harshest anti-gay laws. LGBTQ people describe living there as ‘hell’, CNN, 29.06.2023
- West Bank: US 'troubled' by Israeli settlement expansion plans, BBC News, 27.06.2023
- CBS Village — Diverse Voices & Communities, CBS News, 26.06.2023
- INTERNATIONAL - EUROPE: Macron and Meloni attempt to overcome migration dispute between France and Italy, Le Monde, 21.06.2023
- Macron and Meloni vow to work together after tensions, France24, 20.06.2023
- EU-Asylkompromiss: Bekommt Deutschland nun endlich die illegale Migration in den Griff?, NZZ, 18.06.2023
- Death toll rises to 500 after boat full of migrants sinks off Greek coastline on way to Italy, ABC News, 18.06.2023
- Black Americans are getting support for reparations from other multiracial groups, CNN, 18.06.2023
- «Für das Wort ‹schwul› kämpften wir enorm», sagt der schwule Mann. «Ich muss mich nicht in eine Kategorie eingrenzen», entgegnet die nonbinäre Person, NZZ, 17.06.2023
- GLEICHBERECHTIGUNG: Wo queere Menschen immer noch diskriminiert werden, Standard, 16.06.2023
- Diskriminiert, aber durchgesetzt - Sohn einer Mutter mit Behinderung: "Für mich ist sie normal", Euronews, 16.06.2023
- Gleichberechtigung: Wo queere Menschen immer noch diskriminiert werden, Standard, 16.06.2023
- FIFA setzt Taskforce im Kampf gegen Rassismus ein, ORF, 15.06.2023
- Der Bundesrat soll den unerklärten Lohndifferenzen zwischen Frauen und Männern auf den Grund gehen, NZZ, 15.06.2023
- UNHCR: Zahl der Flüchtlinge erreicht Rekord, ORF, 14.06.2023
- Wenn Deutschland gespalten ist, dann gilt bis heute: Der Ossi ist schuld, NZZ, 14.06.2023
- Slowenien lässt Grenze zu Kroatien offen, ORF, 14.06.2023
- WORLD: For China’s LGBTQ community, safe spaces are becoming harder to find, NBC News, 13.06.2023
- U.S.: Mayor Eric Adams signs executive order protecting gender-affirming care in New York City, CBS News, 12.06.2023
- Liberal mainline United Methodists see more than 5,000 congregations leave amid arguments over sex, gender, Fox News, 12.06.2023
- Warum eine All-in-Kürzung bei Elternteilzeit keine Diskriminierung ist, Standard, 12.06.2023
- Hautfarbe als Kriterium: Die «positive Diskriminierung» an Unis steht in den USA vor dem Ende, NZZ, 12.06.2023
- OPINION - GUEST ESSAY: If the Supreme Court Abolishes Affirmative Action, Here’s What Women Need to Do, NY Times, 11.06.2023
- Australian authorities on alert as Sikh-Hindu tensions over Khalistan separatist movement boil over in Sydney, ABC News, 10.06.2023
- Gesundheit - Rotes Kreuz: Flüchtlinge als Herausforderung, ORF, 10.06.2023
- Antisemitische Inhalte verbreitet – der Beschuldigte will sie aber nicht als solche erkannt haben, NZZ, 08.06.2023
- EU official to confront Zuckerberg after damning report on company’s handling of child sexual abuse material, CNN, 08.06.2023
- LGBTIQ+-Gesundheitsbericht: 89 Prozent haben Diskriminierung erlebt, Kurier, 07.06.2023
- Greens say Israel is 'practising crime of apartheid' and call for boycotts of far-right figures, ABC News, 05.06.2023
- California GOP slams Dems for inviting member of anti-Catholic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Fox News, 04.06.2023
- INTERVIEW: «Liebe Mütter und Väter der Generation Z: Es ist etwas billig, wenn ihr zu uns sagt: ‹Ihr verwöhnten Gofen!›», NZZ, 03.06.2023
- Brazilian Indigenous groups protest as lawmakers approve bill limiting recognition of ancestral lands, CNN, 31.05.2023
- Domestic homicide study recommends new agency, database, RTE, 31.05.2023
- The Interview: Mediterranean crossings: Tunisia and France 'share lots of views', France24, 31.05.2023
- After a Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, can a community heal?, BBC News, 30.05.2023
- Die Länder schlagen schon länger Alarm wegen der illegalen Einwanderung aus Polen – jetzt macht sich Innenministerin Faeser ein Bild vor Ort, NZZ, 30.05.2023
- US Border Patrol chief to retire at end of June, CNN, 30.05.2023
- US-Mexico border: Texas’s use of ‘invasion’ clause against immigrants is racist and dangerous, rights groups say, Guardian, 29.05.2023
- I work on Q+A's social media and I see racist abuse every day. You might be shocked by who's writing it, ABC News, 28.05.2023
- NEWS: Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email Copy 77 Comments Texas girl born in jail graduates top of class, heading to Harvard in the fall, NY Post, 26.05.2023
- Real Madrid's Vinicius Jr has red card rescinded after racist abuse, France24, 24.05.2023
- Many foreign students to lose right to bring family to UK, BBC News, 23.05.2023
- Romania must recognise same-sex civil unions, EU top rights court rules, France24, 23.05.2023
- Starbucks: What a coffee ad reveals about transphobia in India, BBC News, 21.05.2023
- Greece recovers hundreds of looted artefacts, including bronze statue of Alexander the Great, from disgraced British art dealer Robin Symes, ABC News, 21.05.2023
- Daniel Penny breaks silence over Jordan Neely death: 'Had nothing to do with race', Fox News, 20.05.2023
- Trans girl misses Mississippi graduation after being told to dress like boy, AP News, 20.05.2023
- Trans girl is told not to wear dress to Mississippi graduation, lawsuit says, NBC News, 19.05.2023
- GUNS IN AMERICA: Supreme Court rejects challenge to Illinois assault weapons ban, NBC News, 17.07.2023
- FRAUENQUOTEN: Beschwerden wegen Diskriminierung an der Uni Salzburg, Standard, 16.05.2023
- World - Asia - Inside - China: China launches drive to convince women to marry and reproduce, SMH, 15.05.2023
- FRANCE - FRENCH JUSTICE: Tariq Ramadan stands trial in Geneva for rape and sexual coercion, Le Monde, 15.05.2023
- Tropensturm: Zyklon Mocha suchte Myanmar und Bangladesch heim, Standard, 15.05.2023
- The transgender Indonesian Muslims trying to secure their future, BBC, 14.05.2023
- Gewaltspirale im Karibikstaat - Lynchmorde in Haiti: Bevölkerung greift zur Selbstjustiz, SRF, 14.05.2023
- IMMIGRATION: Migrants say rumors encouraged crossing before Title 42 ended, NBC News, 13.05.2023
- New York City to pass bill protecting overweight people from ‘weight discrimination’: ‘Silent burden’, Fox News, 13.05.2023
- Unreserved Meet Indigenous drag artists trying to 'offer hope' to LGBTQ and 2-spirit youth, CBC, 13.05.2023
- Her mother was a victim of femicide. Now her aunt is raising her, CNN, 12.05.2023
- White House rages after federal judge blocks release of migrants without court dates: 'Sabotage', Fox News, 12.05.2023
- Sudan’s rival forces agree to protect civilians but no ceasefire, SABC, 12.05.2023
- Sudan’s rival forces agree to protect civilians but no ceasefire, SABC, 12.05.2023
- Key 'No' camps merge to form Australians for Unity to strengthen referendum campaign, ABC News, 11.05.2023
- Supreme Court sides with transgender woman from Guatemala in asylum dispute, CNN, 11.05.2023
- Title 42: What happens when the Trump immigration rule ends?, CNN News, 11.05.2023
- Nach Bundesgerichtsentscheid - Ausweisung von Bettlern: Bern sieht seine harte Linie bestätigt, SRF, 11.05.2023:
- Ergebnis von deutschem Flüchtlingsgipfel sorgt für Kritik, ORF, 11.05.2023
- KOMMENTAR: Zeit erkauft, Zwist geerntet: In der deutschen Migrationspolitik regiert weiterhin das Prinzip Durchwursteln, NZZ, 10.05.2023
- Polens Regierungschef Morawiecki für Todesstrafe, ORF, 10.05.2023
- Millions of people are prescribed antidepressants for chronic pain. Do they work?, CNN, 09.05.2023
- CULTURE - CINEMA: Adèle Haenel quits cinema over sexual abuse 'complacency' and 'ecocidal and racist' world order, Le Monde, 09.05.2023
- Mortgage refused 'for hosting Ukrainian refugees', BBC, 08.05.2023
- Studie zur Gleichstellung - Frauen ohne Lust auf Uni-Karriere: Einstellung sehr konservativ, SRF, 08.05.2023
- Kommentar: Familie macht viele Frauen glücklich - mit Diskriminierung hat das nichts zu tun, NZZ, 08.05.2023
- Migrants find tips on Chinese version of TikTok for their long trek to US-Mexico border, ABC News, 07.05.2023
- International students could pose foreign interference risk: ADF, SMH, 06.05.2023
- U.S.: California's Black reparations panel approves recommendations including payments, apology, CBS News, 06.05.2023
- Transgender MMA artist accepts former UFC fighter's challenge to fight: 'I'm going to f--- you up', Fox News, 06.05.2023
- On this day 141 years ago, a new law began reshaping America. More than a century later, Congress apologized for it, CNN, 06.05.2023
- Florida bills that will alter the lives of transgender people await DeSantis’ signature, CNN, 04.05.2023
- What to expect as Biden sends 1,500 troops to US-Mexico border, Aljazeera, 04.05.2023
- Österreich distanziert sich von bosnischem Asyl-Lager: "Haben nie Abschiebungen durchgeführt“, Kurier, 04.05.2023
- King Charles III: Commonwealth Indigenous leaders demand apology from the king for effects of colonisation, Guardian, 04.05.2023
- UN pressures Sudan's warring generals to guarantee humanitarian aid access, France24, 04.05.2023
- Democrats, Republicans criticize Biden for sending 1,500 troops to the US-Mexico border: ‘Unacceptable’, Fox News, 04.05.2023
- What is the UK's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda?, BBC News, 03.05.2023
- Gericht - Folter und Mord: 33-Jähriger vor Gericht, ORF, 03.05.2023
- U.S.: Demonstrators forcibly removed from Texas Capitol for protesting bill that would ban gender-affirming care for trans youth, CBS News, 02.05.2023
- ANALYSIS: Queensland's sex trade will be decriminalised, but it could have happened years ago, ABC News, 29.04.2023
- Thousands march against controversial immigration bill in France, France24, 29.04.2023
- 'Clear' difference in abortion access across Ireland – Malone, RTE News, 29.04.2023
- How is the UK stopping Channel crossings and what are the legal routes to the UK?, BBC News, 27.04.2023
- Trans Montana representative silenced by GOP colleagues for three days, NBC News, 25.04.2023
- DeSantis signs bill eliminating unanimous jury decisions for death sentences, CNN, 20.04.2023
- SPORTS House approves trans athlete ban for girls and women's teams, LMT online, 20.04.2023
- Musician Pam Hata gets traditional Māori facial tattoo just days before getting married, ABC News, 20.04.2023
- D: Neymeyr kritisiert Rechtspopulismus und Antisemitismus, Vatican News, 20.04.2023
- The ugly truth about modern 'anti-fascism', Fox News, 19.04.2023
- «Ein ehrenhafter Abgang» - Folter im fernen Land: Als Frankreich sich an den Krieg klammerte, SRF, 19.04.2023
- Österreich: Verstärkter Antisemitismus als Folge der Krise, Profil, 18.04.2023
- White homeowner accused of shooting Black teen who went to the wrong house in Kansas City will face 2 felony charges, officials, CNN, 17.04.2023
- Texas school district fires substitute teacher accused of encouraging students to fight, ABC News, 16.04.2023
- Florida Gov. DeSantis signs 6-week abortion ban, CNN, 14.04.2023
- NACH ABSCHIEBUNG: 15-jähriger Sohn der nach Delhi abgeschobenen Familie: "Ich will nur wieder heim nach Haslach", Standard, 14.04.2023
- OUT POLITICS AND POLICY North Dakota governor signs trans athlete bans into law, NBC News, 12.04.2023
- Florida death row inmate Louis Gaskin executed for 1989 murders, CNN, 12.04.2023
- Expelled Black lawmaker Pearson to return to Tennessee House, The Chronicle Journal, 12.04.2023
- WAS HEISST DAS SCHON WIEDER? Intersektionalität: Komplexe Diskriminierung, Standard, 12.04.2023
- Black man awaiting kidney transplant alleges racial bias, Washington Post, 10.04.2023
- Justice Department and abortion pill manufacturer ask appeals court to freeze judge’s order that could make drug unavailable after Friday, CNN, 10.04.2023
- Seeweg nach Italien - Mehr als tausend Geflüchtete in Lampedusa eingetroffen, SRF, 10.04.2023
- Austin DA says it's 'deeply troubling' that Texas Gov Abbott wants to pardon Army sergeant convicted of murder, Fox News, 09.04.2023
- National - Sexual health: Online learning made it hard to teach sex ed. Now STIs are surging, SMH, 09.04.2023
- Flüchtlingsaufnahme gestoppt: Was steckt hinter Italiens Entscheidung?, NZZ, 08.04.2023
- POLITICS: Texas federal judge halts FDA approval of abortion pill mifepristone; Biden administration filing appeal, CBS News, 07.04.2023
- NEWS: Tennessee Republicans Accused of Racism After Expelling Two Black Lawmakers, Newsweek, 06.04.2023
- Malka Leifer found guilty of rape and child sex abuse of two sisters as jury reaches verdict, ABC News, 03.04.2023
- Court finds Malka Leifer guilty of rape, indecent assault at Australia Jewish school, The Times of Israel, 03.04.2023
- 2015 GEFLOHEN Syrischer Flüchtling (29) neuer Dorf-Bürgermeister, Krone, 03.04.2023
- Tennessee ban on drag shows in front of children temporarily blocked by judge, Fox News, 01.04.2023
- High cost, lack of services barriers to accessing gender-affirming care in Tasmania, report finds, ABC News, 31.03.2023
- Michael Obafemi: Man sentenced for sending racist tweet, BBC News, 31.03.2023
- At least 40 dead in a fire at a migrant center in Mexico near the U.S. border, NBC News, 28.03.2023
- Guardian owner apologises for founders’ links to transatlantic slavery, Guardian, 28.03.2023
- CAMPUS - LGBTQ+ RIGHTS: 'When I was 13, I thought I was the only gay Jew in the world, Le Monde, 26.03.2023
- AfD hetzt mit künstlich generierten Bildern gegen Flüchtlinge, Standard, 26.03.2023
- Nordische Beschöfe zu Homosexualität: Keine Diskriminierung, aber Klarheit, Vatican News, 25.03.2023
- World Athletics tightens rules on transgender women athletes, CNN, 24.03.2023
- Voice to Parliament referendum triggers different views among Indigenous Australians, ABC News, 24.03.2023
- Politics New deal with U.S. allows Canada to turn back migrants at the border, CBC News, 24.03.2023
- Der andere Blick - Migration nach Deutschland: Das Asylrecht und der Zorn der Bürger, NZZ, 23.03.2023
- Katholische Kirchen um gendergerechte Sprache bemüht,, 23.03.2023
- Pentagon official forced to read anti-White statements from its diversity chief in congressional hearing, Fox News, 23.03.2023
- Idaho lawmakers approve bill that would allow execution by firing squad, CNN, 21.01.2023
- Ex-Commerzbank banker wins $370,000 in sex discrimination claim, Reuters, 21.03.2023
- WIEN Frau mit HIV klagte wegen Diskriminierung bei Wiener Zahnärztin und gewann in erster Instanz, Standard, 20.03.2023
- Victorian government may consider amending laws after Nazi salutes at Parliament rallies, ABC News, 19.03.2023
- Kids in 'grave danger' after red state judge halts abortion parental consent law: Pro-life activist, Fox News, 19.03.2023
- National - Women's health - OPINION: Male-made technology is ruining women’s lives – we need a Bumble revolution, SMH, 15.03.2023
- ABORTION RIGHTS: S.C. Republicans propose bill that could subject women who have abortions to the death penalty, NBC News, 15.03.2023
- Paris Olympics 2024: IOC wants UK government to 'respect autonomy of sport', BBC, 14.03.2023
- Dominic Perrottet promises 'future fund' for children to help individuals pay for homes and education, ABC News, 12.03.2023
- Talks continuing to resolve row between Lineker and BBC, RTE, 12.03.2023
- Bunte Vielfalt: Wie Diskriminierung queerer Menschen im Job verhindert werden kann, Standard, 11.03.2023
- In Berliner Schwimmbädern dürfen ab sofort auch Personen mit «weiblich gelesener Brust» oben ohne schwimmen – dass das für rauchende Köpfe sorgt, ist eine Blamage, NZZ, 11.03.2023
- OPINION - WOMEN'S RIGHTS: 'In Iran and Afghanistan, the hatred of girls' schools is a sign of a hatred of women's freedom', Le Monde, 10.03.2023
- Sunak and Macron summit: UK to give £500m to help France curb small boat crossings, BBC News, 10.03.2023
- Gary Lineker spoke his mind. Now we should too: fate could have put any one of us in those migrant boats, Guardian, 10.03.2023
- EUROPE - RISHI SUNAK: Macron, Sunak seek migration deal in unifying summit in Paris, Le Monde, 10.03.2023
- Classical music: No one can match the BBC Singers. Axing them is an act of vandalism Brindley Sherratt, Guardian, 09.03.2023
- France, UK working on new deal to combat illegal migration ahead of summit, France24, 08.03.2023
- Arkansas Gov. Sanders signs measure rolling back child labor protections, NBC News, 08.03.2023
- Culture - WOMEN'S DAY: French museum of feminist struggles aims to shed light on neglected histories, France24, 08.03.2023
- Oklahoma rejects referendum on recreational cannabis, BBC News, 08.03.2023
- Former Lord Mayor denies discriminating against secularism campaigner, says friend is Pastafarian, RTE, 08.03.2023
- UK asylum bill would ‘undermine’ international law, says UN refugee agency, CNN, 08.03.2023
- France, UK working on new deal to combat illegal migration ahead of summit, France24, 08.03.2023
- Mexico: More than 340 migrants found in truck trailer, BBC News, 07.03.2023
- Fire rips through Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh leaving thousands homeless, CNN, 06.03.2023
- Channel migrants face lifetime ban on returning to UK, BBC News, 06.03.2023
- ‘We go to gay clubs together’: Deni Todorovic on their close bond with their mum, SMH, 05.03.2023
- Chris Rock mocks Meghan Markle's royal racism claims in comedy special: 'Sometimes it's just some in-law s---', Fox News, 05.03.2023
- Countries agree historic oceans treaty to protect the high seas, CNN, 05.03.2023
- Africa: Hundreds of West African migrants flee Tunisia after President Saied’s controversial crackdown, France24, 04.03.2023
- Plündern deutsche Zuwanderer das deutsche Sozialsystem - oder entlasten sie es?, NZZ Wirtschaft, 04.03.2023
- Payment delay to hotels housing refugees 'unacceptable' - Tánaiste, RTE, 04.03.2023
- INTERVIEW - Konrad Paul Liessmann: "Es bereitet Lust, jemandem das Wort zu verbieten", Standard, 04.03.2023
- Tennessee governor signs ban on gender-affirming care for minors, CNN, 03.03.2023
- RELIGION - SEXUAL VIOLENCE - Portugal: Catholic Church asks abuse victims for forgiveness, Le Monde, 03.03.2023
- From Ukraine to Germany: A photo update on one family's journey to escape war, NBC News, 03.03.2023
- FOSEN Illegaler Windpark steht noch immer – Sámi protestieren in Oslo, Standard, 03.03.2023
- Perth family facing deportation as son's Down syndrome diagnosis deemed taxpayer burden, ABC News, 02.03.2023
- LATINO Business-immigration group alarmed over DeSantis proposal to repeal in-state tuition for Dreamers, Fox News, 02.03.2023
- California couple sues fertility clinic over embryo carrying cancer gene, CNN, 02.03.2023
- Sen. Hawley grills AG Garland on anti-Catholic bias in the FBI, raid on pro-life family: ‘Give me an answer!', Foxs News, 01.03.2023
- Kultur: «Dilbert»-Comic wegen Rassismus-Vorwurf gecancelt +++ Dokumentarfilm gewinnt den Goldenen Bären 2023 – der Schauspielpreis geht an ein Kind, NZZ, 27.02.2023
- Africa - Migrants: Tunisian FM rejects African Union 'hate speech' allegations, France24, 25.02.2023
- As a rugby player, Campbell Johnstone ‘pushed away’ his sexuality. Now, he wants to open the door for more people to come out, CNN, 23.02.2023
- U.S. Biden administration moves to limit asylum in bid to reduce border arrivals, CBS News, 21.02.2023
- Noel Pearson says he will 'fall silent' if Voice referendum fails, ABC News, 20.02.2023
- True cost of our tea: Sexual abuse on Kenyan tea farms revealed, BBC News, 20.02.2023
- Der andere Blick: Grenzzäune sollen abschrecken - die irreguläre Migration gefährdet die Sicherheit Europas, NZZ, 17.02.2023
- Bulgarien: 18 tote Migranten in Bulgarien in Laster gefunden, Salzburger Nachrichten, 17.02.2023
- Maine mom demands investigation after school allegedly coaches daughter on secret gender transition, Fox News, 14.02.2023)
- EU und die Zäune: Der Wind dreht sich, ORF News, 10.02.2023
- They released a sex video to shame and silence her. She’s one of many women in Myanmar doxxed and abused on Telegram by supporters of the military, CNN, 07.02.2023
- Private schools are poaching teachers from the public sector with better salaries, principals say, ABC News, 05.02.2023
- Gloves off: Conservatives fight the NHL in a culture war clash, NBC News, 04.02.2023
- Ex-pop star Gary Glitter released from prison after serving half of 16-year sentence, ABC News, 04.02.2023
- Myanmar activists call for civil disobedience on second anniversary of coup, France24, 01.02.2023
- ENVIRONMENT - CLIMATE CHANGE: Taxing the world's richest would combat both climate change and poverty, Le Monde, 31.01.2023
- Canada province experiments with decriminalising hard drugs, BBC News, 31.01.2023
- Vor der Reise nach Afrika: Papst trifft Migranten, Vatican News, 31.01.2023
- Swansea 'sickened' by racist abuse aimed at Michael Obafemi, RTE Sport, 30.01.2023
- Cardinal accused of sexual assault retires from Vatican post, France24, 30.01.2023
- ‘Not a crime to be Catholic’: Perrottet defends faith as former school comes under fire, SMH, 30.01.2023
- INTERVIEW: «Lohndifferenz kann man nicht mit Diskriminierung gleichsetzen», NZZ, 30.01.2023
- Georgia cop, 19, resigns after suspension for religious post on gay marriage: 'Dangerous precedent', Fox News, 29.01.2023
- Harrowing videos show police fatally beat Tyre Nichols, who cries out for his mother, NBC News, 28.01.2023
- EU raises the alarm on soaring asylum requests from 'safe' countries, Euronews, 27.01.2023
- Chronik: Erneut Abschiebung von Kindern ausgesetzt, ORF Wien, 26.01.2023
- AP African American Studies course rejected by Florida to be revised, College Board says, NBC News, 25.01.2023
- A major border city is on the brink of collapse because of Biden's immigration policies, local official says, Fox News, 23.01.2023
- U.S. Supreme Court report fails to identify abortion ruling leak culprit, Reuters, 20.01.2023
- Italy and Tunisia seek to address migration setbacks, African News, 18.01.2023
- UK government to block Scottish gender bill, BBC News, 16.01.2023
- The top 1% captured nearly twice as much new wealth as the rest of the world over last two years, CNN, 15.01.2023
- With over 100 anti-LGBTQ bills before state legislatures in 2023 so far, activists say they're 'fired up', NBC News, 14.01.2023
- Australian MPs throw support behind Iranians who are facing execution, ABC News, 11.01.2023
- Biden Visits Southern Border Amid Fresh Crackdown on Migrants, NY Times, 09.01.2023
- Biden border visit all about 2024 posturing, immigration plan about 'streamlining illegality': critics, Fox News, 07.01.2023
- Op-Ed: Abortion pills in pharmacies are the future. But the FDA should do more to expand access, LA Times, 06.01.2023
- South Carolina’s six-week abortion ban struck down by state Supreme Court, CNN, 05.01.2023
- POLITICS Biden expands Title 42 expulsions while opening legal path for some migrants, CBS News, 05.01.2023
- Israel's Justice Minister Levin presents controversial court reforms, i24 News, 05.01.2023
- INTERNATIONAL - IRAN: Iran closes French institute in response to 'Charlie Hebdo' Khamenei cartoons, Le Monde, 05.01.2023
- United States Food and Drug Administration approves sale of abortion pill at retail pharmacies amid Roe v Wade crackdown, ABC News, 04.01.20223
- Indische Asylwerber: Asylkoordination ortet „Showpolitik“, ORF, 03.01.2023
- Poland says Germany refusing talks on WWII reparations, RTE, 03.01.2023
- Eight years after Paris terrorist attacks, 'Charlie Hebdo' caricatures Iran's mullahs, France24, 03.01.2023
- César film awards ban nominees investigated for sexual violence, BBC News, 03.01.2023
- Univerbot: Iran will afghanische Studentinnen aufnehmen, ORF, 03.01.2023
- Indigenous Voice: Voice referendum as ‘early as August’, Burney reveals, SMH, 01.01.2023
- Sex outside marriage ban tests Indonesia’s relationship with democracy, CNN, 30.12.2022
- Andrew Tate detained in Romania over rape and human trafficking case, BBC News, 30.12.2022
- ‘The War on Drugs Part II’: California taxes, rules are killing small legal weed farms, LA Times, 29.12.2022
- Immigration: New residence permits for medical professions will have limited impact, Le Monde, 27.12.2022
- Kiew: Orthodoxe Kirche soll Putin zum Teufel erklären, ORF, 27.12.2022
- Verhältnis Kosovo-Serbien - Serbien und Kosovo: «Das Ganze ist kein Nachbarschaftsstreit», SRF News, 27.12.2022
- HEALTH AND SCIENCE: Supreme Court extends Trump-era pandemic immigration rule to allow quicker deportations, CNBC, 27.12.2022
- Rohingya refugees reach Indonesia after spending month at sea, France24, 27.12.2022
- U.S. Colorado man arrested after racist, homophobic rant in California In-N-Out goes viral on TikTok, CBS News, 26.12.2022
- LGBT RIGHTS - ISRAEL: Netanyahu rebukes far-right ally for anti-LGBT comments, Le Monde, 25.12.2022
- Devout Christians awarded damages after their application to become foster parents was rejected, ABC News, 24.12.2022
- News | US-Mexico Border: Migrants face freezing Christmas at US-Mexico border, ALJAZEERA, 24.12.2022
- Sambia schafft die Todesstrafe ab, ORF, 24.10.2022
- INTERNATIONAL - HUNGARY: Hungary: Viktor Orban doubles-down on anti-European rhetoric, Le Monde, 24.12.2022
- xclusive: Iranian footballer is among dozens facing execution while the West is distracted by Christmas, supporters fear, CNN, 23.12.2022
- ATTACK IN PARIS: Gunman kills three in suspected racist attack at Kurdish centre in Paris, France24, 23.12.2022
- North Carolina professor files lawsuit, claims he was fired for criticizing critical race theory, Fox News, 22.12.2022
- UK’s controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda ruled lawful by court, CNN, 19.12.2022
- UK's Rwanda asylum seeker deportation plan is lawful, court rules, Reuters, 19.12.2022
-, BBC News, 19.12.2022
- Countries adopt historic UN deal to protect nature, RTE News, 19.12.2022
- Dutch prime minister apologizes for the Netherlands’ role in the slave trade By Alex Hardie and Sharon Braithwaite, CNN, 19.12.2022
- Schläge statt Asyl: Prügelnde Grenzwächter an der EU-Grenze, SRF, 18.12.2022
- World: Migrants pack border shelters along U.S.-Mexico border as Trump-era asylum rule is set to expire, CBC News, 16.12.2022
- Menstruationsurlaub in Spanien: Spanisches Abgeordnetenhaus verabschiedet Gesetz, Euronews, 15.12.2022
- New Zealand bans young people from buying cigarettes for life, ABC News, 14.12.2022
- 'I wish I hadn't survived': Why women are burning themselves in Iraqi Kurdistan, BBC News, 14.12.2022
- Streit zwischen Ungarn und EU: EU-Staaten einigen sich auf Einfrieren der Gelder für Ungarn, SRF, 13.12.2022
- CRIME J. Alexander Kueng, officer who kneeled on George Floyd's back, sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison, CBS News, 09.12.2022
- Coroner hands down findings after inquest into death of Tyrone Adams following police pursuit, ABC News, 09.12.2022
- Österreich verhindert Schengen-Beitritt Rumäniens und Bulgariens, Kurier, 09.12.2022
- Indonesian ban on sex outside marriage ‘problematic’ for Bali tourists, SMH, 06.12.2022
- ANALYSIS: Bipartisan support for the Voice referendum is dead. Does it even matter? ABC News, 04.12.2022
- Why some politicians want decriminalisation of drugs, RTE News, 04.12.2022
- National - Racism - OPINION: ‘Where are you from?’: If it’s Australia you’re behind UK on racial progress, SMH, 01.12.2022
- Lifestyle - Royal Family - Lady Hussey - live: Royal family racism scandal continues as William and Kate arrive in Boston, Independent, 01.12.2022
- Senate passes bill to protect same-sex and interracial marriage in landmark vote, CNN, 30.11.2022
- Weiterflug verwehrt - Nach Lufthansa-Skandal: Entschädigung für Juden, 30.11.2022:
- Japan court rules same-sex marriage ban is constitutional, but activists see a silver lining, CNN, 30.11.2022
- Special Oireachtas Committee to examine issue of assisted dying, RTE, 30.11.2022
- With anti-discrimination changes, Northern Territory has some of the world's most progressive sex work laws. It wasn't always that way, ABC News, 28.11.2022
- WM in Katar: Mann lief mit Regenbogenfahne übers Spielfeld, ÖRF, 28.11.2022
- Algeria - Human Rights: The choice between human rights and prison for human rights acitivists, Le Monde, 27.11.2022
- FORDERUNG DER SPÖ OÖ - Asylwerber: Verpflichtender Integrationsdienst, Kronen Zeitung, 27.11.2022
- EU-Krisentreffen: Frankreich bleibt im Streit um Flüchtlinge hart, BRF, 26.11.2022
- Europe: EU ministers endorse new migrant plan after France-Italy tensions, Le Monde, 26.11.2022
- Russia passes 'Answer to Blinken' gay propaganda law, BBC News, 24.1102022
- Why America’s enduring and unique violence continues, CNN, 24.11.2022
- Afghanistan: 'I drug my hungry children to help them sleep', BBC News, 24.11.2022
- Reconciliation will be ´damaged`if Voice fails: Burney, SMH, 20.11.2022
- FRANCE - IMMIGRATION - Ocean Viking: France denies entry to 123 migrants seeking asylum, Le Monde, 18.11.2022
- Efforts under way to move 279 asylum seekers living in tents, RTE, 18.11.2022
- Senate clears key procedural step on bill to protect same-sex marriage, CNN, 16.11.2022
- France, UK sign deal tackling illegal immigration across Channel, France24, 14.11.2022
- UNITED KINGDOM - Channel migrants: UK and France pledge more patrols in deal to combat dangerous crossings, Euronews, 14.11.2022
- Smugglers just part of wider migration problem for UK, BBC News, 14.11.2022
- MPs, unions and refugee groups condemn Braverman’s small boats deal with France, Guardian, 14.11.2022
- Europe: France accepts rescue ship Ocean Viking as dispute with Italy escalates, France24, 11.11.2022
- POLITICS: Michigan, Vermont join California in enshrining abortion rights in state constitution, LA Times, 09.11.2022
- Frauen wie Sklavinnen behandelt: Familienclan vor Gericht, Kurier, 07.11.2022
- Manston migrant centre: What are the problems? BBC News, 05.11.2022
- INTERVIEW: «Als Spitzel kommt bei der Fifa fast jeder infrage, mit dem ich damals zu tun hatte» – wie Theo Zwanziger seine Überwachung durch Katar erlebte, NZZ, 04.11.2022
- Midterm Elections Daily > Americans Flock to Vote Early as Hints Emerge of Republican Strength, NY Times, 03.11.2022
- WORLD: Ethiopian government and Tigray agree to end fighting after 2 years, NBC News, 02.11.2022
- Immigration and asylum: Hundreds moved from Kent immigration centre amid overcrowding, Guardian, 02.11.2022
- Challenge to Harvard’s use of affirmative action was designed by a conservative to reach a friendly Supreme Court, CNN, 31.10.2022
- UNITED KINGDOM - IMMIGRATION: Man throws firebombs at Dover migrant center, kills himself, Le Monde, 30.10.2022
- Dover migrant centre: Man found dead after flammable devices attack, BBC News, 30.10.2022
- Holocaust survivor Hanna Pick-Goslar passes away at 93, Jerusalem Post, 28.10.2022
- U.S. Senate hopeful Herschel Walker faces fresh claim of paying for abortion, Reuters, 27.10.2022
- Asylum seekers: UK spending almost £7m a day on hotels, BBC, 26.10.2022
- British LGBTQ activist Peter Tatchell protests outside the Qatar national museum, CNN, 26.10.2022
- Germany plans to legalise recreational cannabis, BBC News, 26.10.2022
- Adidas terminates relationship with Kanye West after pressure to cut ties over antisemitic comments, NBC News, 25.10.2022
- Peter Tatchell stopped in Qatar while staging LGBT+ rights protest, Guardian, 25.10.2022
- Salman Rushdie attack results in loss of eyesight in 1 eye, use of 1 hand: report, Fox News, 23.10.2022
- Iran protests: Huge rally in Berlin in support, BBC, 23.10.2022
- Biodiversity: A horse, 15 crocodiles and cultural burning: Why Indigenous rangers matter, SMH, 23.10.2022
- A national 'Don't Say Gay' law? Republicans introduce bill to restrict LGBTQ-related programs, NBC News, 20.10.2022
- Black Death 700 years ago affects your health now, BBC News, 20.10.2022
- Experiment an Schwangeren: Dubiose Pille will Abtreibungen rückgängig machen, SRF, 20.10.2022
- Bericht: "Neue Gentechnik" als trojanisches Pferd, ORF, 20.10.2022
- Canada: 3 women complained about coach's inappropriate behaviour in April. Now he's charged with sexual assault, CBC News, 19.10.2022
- ‘Women are still less self-confident than men’ - gender pay gap persists in Lithuania, RTE, 19.10.2022
- Son of US citizen detained in Saudi Arabia says his father is ‘nowhere near being dissident’, CNN, 18.10.2022
- Governments release joint strategy seeking to end violence against women and children within a generation, ABC News, 17.10.2022
- Indigenous: 'Very paternalistic': National chief voices concerns with proposed reconciliation council, CBC News, 17.10.2022
- White House blasts what it calls Trump's 'antisemitic' comments It was not the first time Trump touched on antisemitic tropes, ABC News, 17.10.2022
- UN refugee agency ‘deeply distressed’ by reports of nearly 100 stripped migrants at Greece-Turkey border, CNN, 16.10.2022
- New York college segregates faculty and staff by race for year-long 'Antiracism Institute', Fox News, 15.10.2022
- Trevor Noah says Kanye West ‘drifted right off the deep end’ with antisemitic posts, LA Times, 12.10.2022
- Customer wait list for Australia`s first Islamic bank granted licence, ABC, 12.10.2022
- Black Voters Matter rolls into Milwaukee and Kenosha with voter registration buses, Wuwm, 10.10.2022
- Cost of Living You've heard of quiet quitting. Here's how to tell if you're being quietly fired, CBC, 08.10.2022
- Fans are outraged and players are exhausted after damning women’s soccer abuse report. Here’s what’s next, CNN, 07.10.2022
- NOBEL PRIZES: Annie Ernaux’s Nobel prize celebrates a uniquely resonant voice in French literature, France24, 07.10.2022
- Jerusalem Post > BDS movement: New Nobel laureate Annie Ernaux's repeatedly supported BDS, Jerusalem Post, 06.10.2022
- POLITICS: Trump and GOP defend Herschel Walker after abortion accusation rocks Georgia Senate race, CNBC, 04.10.2022
- Widerstand: Afghanische Frauen protestieren nach Anschlag auf Schule, Standard, 03.10.2022
- Not enough being done to include children with disabilities - Ombudsman, RTÉ, 01.10.2022
- "Arena" zur Gleichstellung - Frauen: Wirklich diskriminiert oder nur in der "Opferrolle"?, SRF, 01.-10.2022
- Faschismus: Ein Begriff macht Geschichte, ORF, 01.10.2022
- Burkina Faso soldiers announce overthrow of military government in second coup this year, ABC News, 01.10.2022
- Palestinian deaths toll in West Bank hits 100 this year, BBC, 01.10.2022
- Inuit Greenlanders demand answers over Danish birth control scandal, BBC News, 30.09.2022
- Burkina Faso army captain announces overthrow of military government, France24, 30.09.2022
- Ex-GAA official admits sex assault charges in Armagh, RTÉ, 29.09.2022
- Polizei findet 70.000 Zigaretten bei Wohnungskontrolle, Kurier, 29.09.2022
- Finland: Finland shuts border to Russian tourists after spike in arrivals following in Putin`s reservist`s call up, Euronews, 29.09.2022
- Russia - Ukraine war: US renews call for citizens to leave Russia amid mobilisation, Aljazeera, 28.09.2022
- Treffen in Zürich: Österreich und die Schweiz mit gemeinsamen Migrationsplan, SRF, 28.09.2022
- Italienische Frauen demonstrieren für Recht auf Abtreibung, ORF, 28.09.2022
- Republican Texas senator says he will support new rape exceptions for abortion, Texas Tribune, 23.09.2022
- Arizona judge lifts injunction on abortion law, AG Brnovich touts win for his office defending life, Fox News, 23.09.2022
- UN Human Rights Committee finds Australia violated Torres Strait Islanders' rights by failing to protect them from climate change, ABC News, 23.09.2022
- McDonald’s must face $10 billion racial discrimination suit from media group, CNN, 23.09.2022
- More Catholics than Protestants for first time in Northern Ireland Census, RTÉ, 22.09.2022
- Thomas Lane sentenced to 3 years on state charges in George Floyd's death, CBS News, 21.09.2022
- IMMIGRATION: Migrants who landed on Martha’s Vineyard were tricked by misleading brochure, lawyers say, NBC News, 20.09.2022
- Texas sheriff to investigate DeSantis flying migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Washington Post, 19.09.2022
- POLITICS GOP Govs. Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott send migrants to Martha's Vineyard and vice president's residence, CBS News, 16.09.2022
- YESHIVA UNIVERSITY: Justices Side With LGBTQ Group at NY Jewish University, for Now, NBC NY News, 15.09.2022
- Politico suggests Graham abortion bill saved Biden from day of embarrassment over economy, Fox News, 13.09.2022
- Neue Regel: Frauen müssen sich vor Abtreibung in Ungarn künftig Herztöne des Embryos anhören, Standard, 13.09.2022
- Democrat mayors melt down over migrants bussed to sanctuary cities, Fox News, 10.09.2022
- NEWS: Pakistan UNESCO site Moenjodaro badly damaged by flooding, CNN, 09.09.2022
- USA wollen Reform von Sicherheitsrat, ORF, 08.09.2022
- Cranbrook School delayed acting on Nazi salutes, anti-Semitism, SMH, 08.9.2022
- Gay marriage bill, other major issues sit in limbo as Senate returns from August recess, Fox News, 06.09.2022
- Iran sentences two LGBT activists to death, BBC News, 06.09.2022
- Israeli president gives broad speech to Germany's parliament, ABC News, 06.09.2022
- Farmers push for immigration reform to counter labor shortages and rising food prices, NBC News, 05.09.2022
- Jackson water crisis: A legacy of environmental racism? BBC News, 04.09.2022
- Uiguren in der Region Xinjiang - UNO prangert schwere Verletzungen der Menschenrechte in China an, SRF, 01.09.2022
- France to expel imam for 'virulent anti-Semitic' hate speech, France24, 30.08.2022
- Christians in Afghanistan face routine torture, persecution from family members: watchdog groups, Fox News, 29.08.2022
- Meghan Markle On Being Perceived as a Black Wom, When She Started Dating Prince HarryTown and Country, 30.08.2022
- First Nations workers still overlooked despite nationwide employment shortage, ABC News, 27.08.2022
- New York's highest court agrees to hear Harvey Weinstein's appeal to overturn 2020 sex crime convictions, CNN, 25.08.2022
- "Gegenmarketing": Karner stellt Kampagne gegen Schlepper vor, ORF, 23.08.2022
- Infektionskrankheit - Diphtherie-Fall auch im Asylzentrum in Boudry (NE) aufgetreten, SRF, 21.08.2022
- Asylum seekers moved from facility over safety concerns, RTE, 20.08.2022
- Should New York give migrants free luxury hotel rooms? Americans weigh in, Fox News, 20.08.2022
- Politics: Michelle O'Bonsawin becomes 1st Indigenous person nominated to Supreme Court of Canada, CBC News, 19.08.2022
- Debatte aus den USA - Wer sind die Abtreibungsgegner in der Schweiz?, SRF, 19.08.2022
- Estland schließt die Grenzen für russische Touristen - Finnland begrenzt die Zahl der Visa, NZZ, 19.08.2022
- U.S.: Florida court rules 16-year-old is not "mature" enough to get an abortion, CBS News, 17.08.2022
- ON THE OBSERVERS: Moroccan activists work to identify deceased migrants and give them proper burials, France24, 18.08.2022
- Myanmar court convicts Aung San Suu Kyi on four further corruption charges Posted 21h ago21 hours ago, updated 19h ago, ABC News, 16.08.2022
- Ex-NRL star pleads guilty to sharing child abuse material, SMH, 16.08.2022
- Politik - Fall Tina: Abschiebung war rechtswidrig, ORF, 16.082022
- Academy apologizes to Sacheen Littlefeather, who refused an Oscar on Marlon Brando's behalf, CNN, 15.08.2022
- Latino: Groups urge federal judge not to 'block' first Latino to sit on upstate N.Y. court, NBC News, 15.08.2022
- Chronik - Schlepperdrama bei Kittisee: Mindestens drei Tote, ORF, 13.08.2022
- Authorities identify suspect who attacked author Salman Rushdie at western New York event, CNN, 12.08.2022
- Death in custody of young Aboriginal man Mr Yeeda was likely preventable, WA coroner finds, ABC News, 11.08.2022
- Diskriminierung, Mobbing, sexuelle Belästigung: Die Akte OPEC Fund, Profil, 11.08.2022
- World: Democrats, Republicans sponsor bill to give thousands of Afghans path to citizenship, Reuters, 10.08.2022
- MILITARY INJUSTICE: Twice accused of sexual assault, he was let go by Army commanders. He attacked again. Texas Tribune, 09.08.2022
- U.S. Biden administration suspends Remain-in-Mexico border policy following court order, CBS News, 08.08.2022)
- The next Dalai Lama, ABC News, 07.08.2022
- Uganda LGBT rights: Government shuts down advocay group, BBC, 07.08.2022
- 'You are not a refugee.' Roma refugees fleeing war in Ukraine say they are suffering discrimination and prejudice By Ivana, CNN, 07.08.2022
- Queensland Country Women`s Association celebrates 100 years, sets sights on the future, ABC News, 07.08.2022
- Archie Battersbee dies after parents lose legal battle of life support, Guardian, 06.08.2022
- Archie Battersbee: Family devastated as legal routes exhausted, BBC, 06.08.2022
- Indiana legislature passes bill banning nearly all abortions, ABC News, 06.08.2022
- Malian and ´white`soldiers involved in 33 civilian deaths, UN experts say, France24, 05.08.2022
- Archie Battersbee: Legal battle at the end, says mum, BBC, 04.08.2022
- Archie Battersbee's life support 'to be switched off on Wednesday morning', Telegraph, 02.08.2022
- Children: Court to hear last-minute appeal in Archie Battersbee case, Guardian, 31.07.2022
- These are the next states that could call special sessions to limit abortion rights, CNN, 30.07.2022
- Indigenous: Pope says genocide took place at Canada`s residential schools, CBC News, 30.07.2022
- Why I want to talk about STIs in the black community, BBC News, 28.07.2022
- Family sues SeaWorld's Sesame Place Philadelphia for alleged racist interaction, CNN, 27.07.2022
- Indigenous Pope acknowledges need for 'concrete action' in mending relationship with Indigenous people, CBC, 27.07.2022
- Last 2 Officers Involved in George Floyd’s Death Are Sentenced to Prison, New York Times, 27.06.2022
- Indiana attorney general is investigating the doctor who provided abortion services for a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim, doctor's lawyer says, CNN, 27.07.2022
- National: Manly in damage control over pride jersey controversy, SMH, 26.07.2022
- Australia 'appalled' by Myanmar executions, Penny Wong offers condolences to families still without answers, ABC News, 26.07.2022
- United States - Exclusive: Hyundai subsidiary has used child labor at Alabama factory, Reuters, 23.07.2022
- Newsom raises His Profile With Hardball Tactics, Starting with a Gun Bill, New York Times, 22.07.2022
- Vorwürfe sexueller Übergriffe von Bayreuth, ORF, 22.07.2022
- House Passes Bill to Ensure Contraception Rights After Dobbs, New York Times, 22.07.2022
- Ex-Minneapolis police officer Thomas Lane sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights, CNN, 21.07.2022
- Houses passes bill codifying same-sex marriage right - with some Republicans joining Democrats, ABC News, 20.07.2022
- House passes bill to protect same-sex marriage in effort to counter Supreme Court, CNN, 19.07.2022
- Yulia Tsvetkova: Russian LGBT activist acquitted of 'porn' charges, BBC, 15.07.2022
- Indiana asks Supreme Court to speed process so state can put its strict abortion law into effect, CNN, 15.07.2022
- How the story of a 10yo rape victim in Ohio forced to travel interstate for a legal abortion highlighted America's post-Roe divide, ABC News, 15.07.2022
- Biden has caused nearly 'indescribable' human misery on both sides of southern border: GOP candidate, Fox News, 13.07.2022
- Archie Battersbee has no prospect of recovery, court told, BBC, 12.07.2022
- Biden signs executive order on abortion access after high court ruling, Los Angeles Times, 08.07.2022
- Police shoot dead unarmed black man Jayland Walker in US state of Ohio, ABC News, 04.07.2022
- New York lawmakers move to enschrine abortion rights in state constitution, CNN, 02.07.2022)
- FLASHBACK: Biden said it`s 'dangerous' to 'deligitimize the courts' in 2017, Fox News, 30.06.2022
- Brisbane nightclub's tattoo policy brings Queensland anti-discrimination law into focus, ABC News, 30.06.2022
- Protest ohne Kopftuch: Peitschenhiebe für Iranerin, ORF, 09.09.2023
- India: Brutal killing caught on camera stokes religious tensions in India, CNN, 29.06.2022
- Two charged after death of 51 migrants inside tractor-trailer in Texas, France24, 29.06.2022
- World & Nation: 'We are in mourning': 51 migrants die after a stifling tractor-trailer is abandoned in Texas, Los Angeles Times, 28.06.2022
- Texas-Mexico border chaos: At least 46 migrants found dead in San Antonio inside 18-wheeler, reports say, Fox News, 27.06.2022
- Zeker twee doden bij schietpartij in homobar in Oslo, politie behandelt zaak als terreur, De Standaard, 25.06.2022
- Biden calls on Congress to restore Roe vs. Wade protections as federal law: ´This is not over`, Fox News, 24.06.2022
- LGBTQ Pride events offer a make-or-break moment for monkeypox, NBC News, 24.06.2022,
- Politics: Congress passes most significant gun reform bill in decades, sends it to Biden, CNBC, 24.06.2022
- Der andere Blick: Wer sich für normal hält, muss ein Menschenfeind sein - wie Grüne die Gesellschaft umpflügen wollen, NZZ, 24.06.2022
- India and Bangladesh floods displace millions and kill dozens, BBC, 20.06.2022
- Gun control: Bipartisan group of senators announces agreement on gun control, CNN, 13.06.2022
- Eli Steele: Jodi Shaw and the Racial Mask of Whiteness, Fox News, 12.06.2022
- Mitglied im UNO-Sicherheitsrat: Freude und Kritik nach Wahl der Schweiz, SRF, 09.06.2022
- Karner will Asylprüfungen in Drittstaaten auslagern, ORF, 08.06.2022
- Aboriginal boy, 14, says driver hit him with SUV, yelled racist abuse and drove away, ABC News, 07.06.2022
- Maori organisations lead way in in dealing with family violence - report, 1news, 07.06.2022
- Abortion activists strip during Joel Osteen church service:´Overturn Roe, hello no`, Fox News, 06.06.2022
- World: Nigerian authorities hunt for gunmen who killed 50 at church, CBS News, 06.06.2022
- Illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle`s 2015 shooting death gets time served for federal weapon charges, Fox News, 06.06.2022
- Tens of thousands expected to take part in women`s mini marathon, RTE News, 05.06.2022
- Schweiz: Hilfe für Ukraine und Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen, Vatican News, 04.06.2022
- News: California Reparations Could See 2.8 Million African Americans Compensated, Newsweek, 02.06.2022
- Opinion: For Latin Americans, Roe vs. Wade is a fight we`ve been preparing for our whole lives, CNN, 01.06.2022
- Culture Matters: Johnny wins defamation suit against Amber Heard, NBC News, 01.06.2022
- Texas school shooting: Casket maker meets with victims`families to make personalized cascets, Fox News, 30.05.2022
- Kurz vor Urlaubszeit: Bulgarien wirft Ukraine-Flüchtlinge aus Hotels, Krone, 30.05.2022
- World: These Countries Restricted Assault Weapons Ater Just One Mass Shooting, Time, 27.05.2022
- Two Years after Floyd`s death, protesters reflect on what changed, Washington Post, 24.05.2022 Washington Post, 24.05.2022
- Daten-Leak zeigt Chinas brutale Behandlung der Uiguren: "Wie ein Fenster in einem Polizeistaat", NZZ, 24.05.2022
- Female TV presenters defy Taliban order to cover faces on air, ABC News, 22.05.2022
- USA: Erzbischof schließt Nancy Pelosi von Kommunion aus, Vatican News, 21.05.2022
- "Arena" zum Schutzstatus 5: Junge Geflüchtete reden Politikern ins Gewissen, SRF, 21.05.2022
- Zum Tod verurteilter Schwede: Iran prüft Aufschiebung, ORF, 21.05.2022
- Pelosi banned from receiving communion in San Frazisco archdiocese over her position on abortion, CNN, 21.05.2022
- Biden gives emotional speech after Buffalo shooting:´White supremacy is a poison`, CNN, 17.05.2022
- Equalitiy: Plan to allow burkinis in Grenoble swimming pools reignities French culture wars, France24, 15.05.2022
- U.S.: Black man killed by Houston cop was shot in back of neck, family says autopsy shows, CBS News, 12.05.2022
- Committee to discuss accomodation options for Ukranian refugees, ITE, 12.05.2022
- Senate Democrat`s bill to keep to keep abortion legal nationalwide falls to GOP-led filibuster, NBC News, 11.05.2022
- Gesetz zu Kindesmissbrauch: EU will künftig private Chats durchleuchten, ORF, 11.05.2022
- NI election results 2022: Sinn Féin wins most seats in historic election, BBC News, 08.05.2022
- ´Seismic political momemt`as nationalist set to lead Stormont, ITE, 07.05.2022
- Immer auf Sendung: Alice Schwarzer gibt auch mit fast 80 keine Ruhe, NZZ, 07.05.2022
- ´We cannot go back`: People share their stories of abortion and access, NBC News, 07.05.2022
- UN declaration backs - ´peaceful`UN declaration, RTE, 07.05.2022
- Krieg in der Ukraine: Amnesty dokumentiert Dutzende Kriegsverbrechen bei Kiew, SRF, 06.05.2022
- Entgleiste Debatte: Deutschland und der "Emma"-Brief, ORF, 05.05.2022
- ACT passes affirmative consent laws, bringing it into line with neighbouring NSW, ABC News Australia, 05.05.2022
- Fox News Poll: Majority favors ban on sex, gender discussions for young children in schools, Fox News, 04.05.2022
- Disabled children ´dumped`in Ukranian institutions, BBC, 04.05.2022
- Supreme Court draft opinion would overturn Roe vs. Wade, CNN, 03.05.2022
- Artist Leslie Sharpe paints Stephen Stewart, The Oldest Lore-Man, for Archbald Prize 2022, ABC News, 01.05.2022
- Anti-Semitism: Dramtic rise in 2021, Israeli report says, BBC, 27.04.2022
- Out News: ´Homophobic`first class passenger accused of assaulting Delta flight attendant, NBC News, 27.04.2022
- Coronavirus: Covid care home discharge policy was unlawful, says court, Guardian, 27.04.2022
- Singapore excutes man on drugs charge, rejecting diability plea, BBC, 27.04.2022
- Melissa Lucio: Texas court grants stay of execution for death row inmate Lucio, CNN, 26.04.2022
- Disability organisation apologises at inquest into death of 11-year-old boy hit by train, SMH, 22.04.2022
- Texas carries out first execution of 2022, while Tennessee governor grants temporary reprieve due to preparation ´oversight`, CNN, 22.04.2022
- Migrant buses continue to arrive in Washington, DC from Texas, Fox News, 22.04.2022
- A vitrolic election campaigned marked by anti-Islam narratives has left many French muslims feeling marginalized, CNN, 22.04.2022
- U.S. unveils sponsorship program to resettle Ukrainian refugees, discourage travel to U.S.-Mexico border, CBS News, 21.04.2022
- Kentucky law that effectively ended abortions in state blocked by judge, NBC News, 21.04.2022
- Unbearable hours, threats of being fired, the abuse of migrant interns in Japan, France24, 19.04.2022
- Supreme Court denies appeal from Black death row inmate who claimed racial bias, CNN, 18.04.2022
- Ukranian refugees family reunited with relatives in U.S., NBC News, 14.04.2022
- Kentucky Legislature overrides governor`s veto of transgender sports vote ban, NBC News, 14.04.2022
- UK to sign deal to send asylum seekers to Rwanda for processing, BBC, 14.04.2022
- Live news: Jerusalem`s churches resist Israel`s settlers, France24, 14.04.2022
- Michigan: Michigan Official Calls Video of Officer Shooting Patrick Lyyoya ´Painful to Watch`, NBC Chicago, 13.04.2022
- Kremlin says Biden`s genocide`are wrong and unacceptable, RTE, 13.04.2022
- Ukranian attention shows bias against black lives, WHO chief says, BBC, 13.04.2022
- New Ukranian refugees to be assigned by camp beds in community and sport halls, RTE, 13.04.2022
- Europarat: Moskau muss Angriffe auf Gotteshäuser einstellen, ORF, 13.04.2022
- War crime, crime against humanity, genocide: What are the differences? RTE, 13.04.2022
- As violece spikes, the killing of unarmed Palestinian highlights awful toll of occupation, CNN, 10.04.2022
- Virginia parent fighting ´race-based`admissions policy wins legal battle as case heads to Supreme Court, Fox News, 10.04.2022
- Women faces Texas murder charge after self-induced abortion, ABC News, 09.04.2022
- Newsbeat: `I want my film to show that queer South Asian are thriving`, BBC News, 08.04.2022
- Fresh trauma with each arrival across Ukraine`s border, RTE, 08.04.2022
- Russland: Die enge Verzahnung von Kirche und Staat, ORF, 08.04.2022
- Australian Andrew Gosling jailed in Singapore for throwing wine battle at elderly man, killing him, ABC News, 08.04.2022
- Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson to be first Black woman to sit on Supreme Court, CNN, 08.04.2022
- Boris Johnson: UK Prime Minister says transgender women should not compete in women`s sport, BBC, 06.03.2022
- National Security: U.S. sends home Algerian man held for nearly 20 years at Guantanamo Bay, NBC News, 02.04.2022
- Florida`s law limiting LGBTQ in discussion in schools, explained, Washington Post, 01.04.2022
- World Bank freezes Afghan projects after Taliban bans girls from high school, CNN Business, 30.03.2022
- Florida governor signs controversial ´Don`t Say Gay`bill into law, ABC News, 28.03.2022
- Racist - Europe: The Ukraine Conflict and the Dark Underbelly of Euro-Modernity, Elephant, 25.03.2022
- Bulgarien: Ende der "goldenen Pässe" gegen Investitionen, ORF, 24.03.2022
- Evan Neumann: Capitol riot suspect is granted refugee status in Belarus after fleeing US, CNN, 23.03.2022
- Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Biden admin to expedite resettlement of some vulnerable Ukrainian refugees in U.S., NBC News, 23.03.2022
- Taliban postpones return to school for Afghan girls above 6th grade, CNN, 23.03.2022
- Attorneys help Ukrainian immigrants stay in US, bring family members from war-torn home, Fox News, 19.03.2022
- Fluchthilfe: Jüdische Geflohene aus der Ukraine feierten in Wien Purim, Standard, 18.03.2022
- Russland verlässt Europarat: Russland war ein Fremdkörper im Europarat, SRF, 16.03.2022
- Islamaphobic incidents surged in Australia in the aftermath of Christchurch mosque terror acts, ABC News, 15.03.2022
- UK says looking at using sanctioned oligarch properties for refugees, Reuters, 13.03.2022
- Ukraine war: UK households offered £350 a month for hosting refugees, BBC, 13.03.2022
- Florida isn`t the only state pushing legislation that could be harmful to LGBTQ students, CNN, 11.03.2022
- Putin wirbt um freiwillige Söldner aus dem Nahen Osten, Kurier, 11.03.2022
- Idaho lawmakers seek to punish parents who take trans youth to other states for health care, ABC News, 10.03.2022
- Congress Gives Final Approval to Make Lynching a Hate Crime, NY Times, 07.03.2022
- Corrine Sky: Africans Ukraine are ´crying out for help`, BBC News, 05.03.2022
- Florida Senate passes 15-week abortion ban, sends bill to governor: Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to sign the measure into law, ABC News, 04.03.2022,
- Die EU gewährt den Ukraine-Flüchtlingen schnellen und umfassenden Schutz, NZZ, 03.02.2022
- EU garantiert Mindestrechte für Flüchtlinge, Standard, 03.03.2022
- Texas court halts investigation into family`s gender-affirming care amid ACLU lawsuit, ABC News, 03.03.2022
- Ukraine-Flüchtlinge: Solidarität in Notsituation wächst, ORF, 02.03.2022
- Afghan refugees who escaped to Ukraine victims of war once again, Fox News, 28.02.2022
- Ukraine`s refugees: How many are there and where might they go? BBC, 28.02.2022
- More Than 7 million Ukranians could be displaced - EU, RTÉ News, 27.02.2022
- Schutzrichtlinie für Vertriebene: Österreich offen, ÖRF, 27.02.2022
- This Texas mom says she`s moving her family to California to protect her transgender daughter, CNN News, 27.2022
- Martin Stark on organising world`s first gay boxing championships and plans to ´disrupt`discrimination, ABC News, 27.02.2022
- EU rechnet mit mehreren Millionen Flüchtlingen, ORF, 27.02.2022
- New documents reveal abolitionist`s court case free her child from slavery, CNN, 27.02.2022
- Ukranians are fleeing in droves. But they`re waiting more than 60 hours at the border, CNN, 26.02.2022
- Ukraine conflict: Children on their own, parents stay behind, BBC News, 26.02.2022
- Biden`s latest border moves spur criticism that he`s continuing wall construction, Texas Tribune, 25.02.2022
- Europarat suspendiert Russland, ORF, 25.02.2022
- Black leaders praise Biden`s historic nominee for Supreme Court seat, ABC News, 25.02.2022
- George Floyd death: Ex-Minnesota police officers found guilty of violating Floyd`s rights, Fox News, 24.02.2022
- Jury finds 3 men guilty in Ahmaud Arbery in hate crimes case, ABC News, 22.02.2022
- Supreme Court to hear Biden appeal to Trump-era ´Remain in Mexico`policy, ABC News, 19.02.2022
- Robot dogs could patrol the US-Mexico border, CNN, 19.02.2022
- Renee Ferguson allegedly made sexual harassment complaints at Cricket Tasmania a year before texting with Tim Paine, ABC News, 19.02.2022
- Women`s rights - Poland: Where ´women pay a high price`for populist laws, France24, 19.02.2022
- Swiss vote on tobacco and ad ban long after neighbours, BBC, 13.02.2022
- Ungarnaufstand im Jahr 1956 - Ungarn-Flüchtling: "Schweiz rollte roten Teppich für mich aus", SRF, 11.02.2022
- France is on a dangerous collision course with its Muslim population, France24, 05.02.2022
- Mason Greenwood: Man Utd footballer further arrested over sex assault, BBC News, 01.02.2022
- Brisbane`s Citipointe Christian College defends demanding parents sign contract on gender identity, homosexuality, ABC News, 31.01.2022
- School rules: Brisbane college expects students to denounce homosexuality, Brisbane Times, 31.01.2022
- US Supreme Court:The women in the running to replace Stephen Breyer, BBC, 28.01.2022
- Chronik: Wien wächst wieder stärker, ORF, 28.01.2022
- Befreiung von Auschwitz - KZ-Überlebende: "Ich werde den Deutschen nie verzeihen", SRF, 27.01.2022
- Taliban leaders meet Western diplomats in Oslo to discuss Afghan human rights, France24, 24.01.2022
- Durch tourist fined over Nazi salute at Auschwitz, CNN, 24.01.2022
- Belgian court jails trafficking gang leader for deaths of 39 Vietnamese migrants found in shipping container, ABC News, 20.01.2022
- French lawmakers officially recognise china`s treatment of Uyghurs as ´genocide`, France24, 20.01.2022
- Biden administration defends controversial Trump-era border policy barring asylum seekers in in court, CNN 19.01.2022
- On the hunt for Syrian war criminals hiding out in Europe, France24, 21.01.2022
- Texas hostage situation: All hostages ´alive and safe`, Greg Abbott after hours-long ordeal, Fox News, 16.01.2022
- EU external borders in 2021: Arrivals above pre-pandemic levels, Frontex, 11.01.2022
- The judge who sentenced Ahmaud Arbery's killers held a minute of silence to represent a 'fraction' of the time they chased him, CNN, 08.01.2022
- European court of human rights - ´Gay cake`row: men loses seven-year battle against Belfast bakery, Guardian, 06.01.2022
- JK Rowling ´cancelled`by UK school as teachers drop author`s name from house after transgender comments, CNN Radio News, 05.01.2022
- Gesetzesänderung: Leihmutterschaft für homosexuelle Paare in Israel künftig möglich, SRF, 05.01.2022
- Politics: Ottawa releases early details of landmark $40B:First Nations child welfare agreement, CBC News, 04.01.2021
- Pennsylvania is the latest destination for ´Biden Air` illegal immigrant flights: Lahren, Jones, Fox News, 04.01.2022
- VfGH: Veto von AMS-Regionalrat bei Ausländerjobs rechtswidrig, ORF, 04.01.2022
- Sarah Weddington, lawyer who successfully argued Roe v. Wade to Supreme Court, has died at 76, CBS News, 26.12.2021
- Taliban-Regeln für Autofahrer: Keine Musik und Frauen nur mit Hijab, Krone, 26.12.2021
- Ex-officer Kim Potter found guilty of two counts of manslaughter for fatal shooting Daunte Wright, CNN, 24.12.2021
- Vorrang von EU-Recht: Auch mit Rumänien droht Streit, ORF, 24.12.221
- Mormonism: Tech billionaire quits Mormon church and gives $600k to LGBTQ group, Guardian, 22.12.2021
- Laura Leyser: Warum Ärzte ohne Grenzen diverser werden muss, Standard, 20.12.2021
- Papst vergleicht Gewalt an Frauen mit Satanismus, Kurier, 19.12.2021
- NR: Große Mehrheit für die Sterbehilfe, ORF, 16.12.2021
- Sexual assault, harassment, bullying: Trans students say they`re targeted at school, NBC News, 14.12.2021
- New Bill of Rights is to curtail the ability of foreign criminals to dogde deportation on human rights grounds, Daily Mail, 14.12.2021
- Dozens killed in Mexico road accident as truck carrying more than 100 migrant crashes, CNN, 10.12.2021
- ´I couldn`t kill innocent people`: Myanmar soldiers defect to join resistance, France24,12.2021
- US Supreme Court says Texas abortion clinics can sue over law, BBC, 10.12.2021
- 53 migrants dead, 54 injured in truck crash in south Mexico, ABC News, 10.12.2021
- Aung San Suu Kyi is back behind bars. But that won`t stop Myanmar`s pro democracy movement, CNN, 10.12.2021
- Österreich nicht darunter: 15 EU-Länder einigen sich auf Aufnahme von 45.000 Afghanen, Standard, 10.12.2021
- Indiana pastor who danced in drag on HBO show 'relieved' of duties: 'Bullied him right out', Fox News, 08.12.2021
- US pastor who appeared in drag on TV loses ministry, France24, 08.12.2021
- Opinion - Immigration and Asylum: Cruel ministers have made citzicenship a tool of dirty politics, Guardian, 08.12.2021
- Orbán sieht tiefe Gräben zu Deutschland: "Stehen nicht mehr Seite an Seite", Kurier, 08.12.2021
- Chile erlaubt gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe, NZZ, 07.12.2021
- Äthiopien: Rückeroberung von Städten durch Armee, ORF, 06.12.2012
- US and other countries 'deeply concerned by reports of summary killings' in Afghanistan, CNN, 05.12.2021
- U.S. finalizes plan to return migrants to Mexico under Trump-era policy as soon as next week, CBS News, 02.12.2021
- Ethiopian government says it has recaptured Lalibela, UN World Heritage site, CNN, 01.12.2021
- Supreme Court signals willingness to uphold abortion limits in Mississippi case, NBC News, 01.12.2021
- Madagascar's food crisis has been blamed on climate change. Scientists say that's wrong, CNN, 01.12.2021
- Misshandlungsvorwürfe gegen griechische Grenzschützer, ORF, 01.12.2021
- Canadian school district cancels speech by ISIS rape survivor, Nobel winner due to 'Islamophobia' fears, Fox News, 28.11.2021
- Lithuanian villagers back tough on Belarus migrants, France24, 28.11.2021
- Kurdish woman named as victim of migrant tragedy, RTE, 27.11.2021
- Migrant crisis: The Channel beaches that host a lethal trade in human hope, BBC, 27.11.2021
- Österreich - Mehr als 700 Flüchtlinge geschleppt: 15 Festnahmen in Wien und Oberösterreich, Standard, 27.11.2021
- Flüchtlingskrise: Papst ruft vor Reise zu Solidarität mit Flüchtlingen auf, ORF, 27.11.2021
- Guilty verdicts in the trial of Ahmoud Arbery`s killers met with relief and joy in Georgia and beyond, CNN, 25.11.2021
- Nächster Tabubruch: Teil der EGMR für Polen "verfassungswidrig", ORF, 24.11.2021
- ANALYSIS If Australia doesn't have a radical surge in immigration, what will happen to the economy? ABC News, 22.11.2021
- Nebraska governor blasts state university for 'anti-racism' plan: 'Drop the Ideological Indoctrination', Fox News, 22.11.2021
- Opinion: The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is American madness incarnate (Washington Post, 22.11.2021)
- Afghanistan: Taliban unveil new rules banning women in TV dramas, BBC, 21.11.2021
- Taliban to Afghan networks: stop airing shows with women actors, France24, 21.11.2021
- Folgen des Taliban-Umsturzes: Immer mehr Afghanen passieren die Grenze Schweiz-Österreich, SRF, 17.11.2021
- Polen: "Keine Vereinbarungen über unsere Köpfe hinweg", ORF, 17.11.2021
- Gewalt und taktische Rückzüge: Lukaschenko sendet an der Grenze zu Polen widersprüchliche Signale, NZZ, 17.11.2021
- Illinois students rally to defend LGBTQ book as school board hears objections over its content, CNN, 17.11.2021
- Die Mehrzahl der ehemaligen deutschen Ortskräfte ist noch in Afghanistan, NZZ, 17.11.2021
- Life after deportation: ´Living the Mexican dream`, BBC, 17.11.2021
- Bio-Suisse-Eierproduktion - Ende der Kükentötung: Lange versprochenes Zeichen für Tierwohl, SRF, 17.11.2021
- Girl, 16, says she was raped by hundreds of men in western India, CNN, 16.11.2021
- The US city run by Muslim Americans, BBC, 16.11.2021
- France clears major migrant camp amid tensions with Britain over Channel crossings, CNN, 16.11.2021
- Medizinethik - Pro und contra Organspende: Was sagt das Christentum? SRF, 16.11.2021
- France tells Britain to stop ‘giving lessons’ on migrants as record numbers cross Channel, France24, 15.11.2021
- US teen accused of murder at anti-racism protest claims self-defence during trial, France24, 11.11.2021
- Israeli ambassador protest: LSE investigating threats against Tzipi Hotovely, BBC, 11.11.2021
- Belarus migrants: What routes do they use to reach Minsk? CNN, 11.11.2021
- Poland-Belarus crisis, CNN, 11.11.2021
- Covid-19: Is the fourth wave in Germany a warning for the rest of Germany? France24, 11.11.2021
- USNS HARVEY MILK: Navy to Christen USNS Harvey Milk Saturday in San Diego, NBC San Diego, 05.11.2021
- Southwest employee suspected white mom with Black daughter of human trafficking, called police, NBC News, 05.11.2021
- US-Justice Department sues Texas over new voting restrictions, CNN, 04.11.2021
- Ahmaud Arbery death: 12-person jury consists of 11 White jurors, despite protests from prosecution, Fox News, 04.11.2021
- Key things to know about today`s Supreme Court oral arguments on the Texas abortion law, CNN, 01.11.2021
- Kathleen Stock: University of Sussex free speech speech row Professor quits, BBC, 30.10.2021
- Supreme Court clears way for execution in Oklahome, NBC News, 29.10.2021
- Supreme Court is flooded with briefs as arguments on Texas law approach, CNN, 28.10.2021
- Grüne fordern vor Equal Pay Day mehr Lohntransparenz, ORF, 24.10.2021
- German far-right group attempt to block migrants, BBC, 24.10.2021
- Diakonie zu Sterbehilfe, ORF, 24.10.2021
- California teacher placed on leave, accused of mimicking Native American dance, Fox News, 22.10.2021
- Supreme Court to quickly take up challenge to Texas abortion law, NBC News, 22.10.2021
- Malaysian transgender entrepreneur Nur Sajat fled her home, family and business in fear for her life. Now she's safe in Australia, ABC News, 23.10.2021
- Justice Department says Utah school district ignored racial harassment, abuse, ABC News, 22.10.2021
- Neuregelung von Sterbehilfe rückt näher, ORF, 22.10.2021
- Thomas Mayer: Humane und geregelte Migration, Standard, 22.10.2021
- Australian government urged to act as PNG´s Covid-19 outbreak spreads among refugees, ABC News, 21.10.2021
- Ausstellung in Berlin - Als Deutsche auf Menschen aus den Kolonien starrten, SRF, 21.10.2021
- Bye Bye, Gleichschritt: Wieso Unternehmen nur divers in die Zukunft steuern können, Standard, 21.10.2021
- Beauty: Miss France pageant faces lawsuit for requiring all contestants to be at least 5-foot-5, unmarried and child-free, CNN, 20.10.2021
- EU to offer 60,000 free rail passes to young people, RTÉ, 11.10.2021
- `I`am just trying to survive`, CNN, 10.10.2021
- Ungarn unterstützt Polen im Justizstreit mit der EU, ORF, 10.10.2021
- Attacke auf ehemaligen israelischen Soldaten in Berlin, ORF, 09.10.2021
- Texas Abortion Restrictions: Appeals court allows Texas abortion law to resume, stopping federal justice`s order to block its enforcement, Texas Tribune, 08.10.2021
- California Gov. Newsom signs bill prohibiting 'stealthing' -- condom removal without consent during sex, Fox News, 08.10.2021
- "Mittelalterliche Praktiken" - Genf will Wegtherapieren von Homosexualität verbieten; SRF, 08.10.2021
- Mexiko 652 Migranten in Kühllastern entdeckt, ORF, 08.10.2021
- Politics: Poland`s defiance of EU law raises concern over a possible exit, CNBC, 08.10.2021
- Nach Urteil in Warschau: Polen wagt den grossen Streit, SRF, 07.10.2021
- Fahrer und Schlächter fehlen: Britische Bauern im Brexit-Sog, ORF, 07.10.2021
- Federal judge temporarily bars Texas from enforcing law that bans most abortions, CBS News, 06.10.2021
- How we work: Why women are more burned out than men, BBC, 04.10.2021
- Thousands march across US in support of abortion rights, BBC, 02.10.2021
- Nach dem Ja zur "Ehe für alle": Fordert die queere Community nun Eizellenspenden und Leihmütter, SRF, 27.9.2021
- "Ehe für alle" - SRG-Hochrechnung: 64% sagen Ja zu gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehen, SRF, 26.09.2021
- UNO verurteilt rassistische Krawalle in Chile, ORF, 26.09.2021
- Migration will continue as long as inequality persists, says Haiti's prime minister as Del Rio bridge crisis , CNN, 25.09.2021
- UN expected to make U-turn on foreign workers visa, CNN, 25.09.2021
- US Haiti envoy quits over 'inhumane' deportations, BBC, 24.09.2021
- House Democrats pass sweeping abortion bill with no Republican votes, Washington Times, 24.09.2021
- Haitian migrants at US border: 'We've been through 11 countries', BBC, 24.09.2021
- WHITE HOUSE: White House says horses will no longer be used by border officials in Del Rio, NBC News, 23.09.2021
- SPORT: Tom Wills descendant claims he sent information to AFL suggesting football pioneer committed mass murder of Aboriginal people, ABC News, 23.09.2021
- U.S. starts mass expulsion of Haitian migrants from Texas border town, CBS News, 20.09.2021
- DHS to ramp up deportation flights to Haiti as officials scramble to contain Del Rio migrant surge, Fox News, 18.09.2021)
- About 10,000 migrants being held under bridge in Del Rio, Texas, ABC News, 17.09.2021
- US military admits it killed 10 civilians and targeted wrong vehicle in Kabul airstrike, CNN, 17.09.2021
- Climate change: UN warning over nations' climate plans, BBC, 17.09.2021
- Women's rights activist shares her family's harrowing escape from the Taliban to Australia, ABC News, 16.09.2021
- EU-Parlament will Visaprogramm für Afghaninnen, ORF, 16.09.2021
- Probe started after Elijah McClain's death finds pattern of racially biased policing, Colorado attorney general says, CBS News, 15.09.2021
- HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH: The New Latino Landscape, NBC News, 15.09.2021
- Afghanistan women's youth soccer team escapes to Pakistan, BBC News, 15.09.2021
- Denmark to ban new relationships for life prisoners, RTE, 15.09.2021
- Culture: French abortion drama ´Happening`wins Golden Lion at Venice Film Festival, France24, 11.09.2021
- Democrats introduce resolution condemning racism in government 20 years after 9/11 attacks, Fox News, 11.09.2021
- At Guantanamo Bay, trial for alleged 9/11 terrorists brings some solace to victims' families 20 years later, ABC News, 11.09.2021
- Justice Department sues Texas over six-week abortion ban, CNN, 09.09.2021
- The Queen: Queen supports Back Lives Matter, says senior soyal representative, Guardian, 09.09.2021
- Texas governor signs voting restrictions bill into law, CNN, 07.09.2021
- New Zealand: New Zealand stabbings: officials tried for years to deport terrorist prior to Auckland attack, Jacinda Ardern says, Guardian, 05.09.2021
- Elections: Texas`s Republicans`election bill gets final green light, NBC News, 31.08.2021
- Clinics ask high court to block Texas 6-week abortion ban, ABC News, 31.08.2021
- Boot im Senegal gekentert: Dutzende Vermisste, ORF, 28.08.2021
- The Afghan female artists escaping to France, France24, 27.08.2021
- Abstimmung vom 26. September - "Ehe für alle": Gegner präsentieren ihre Argumente, SRF, 27.08.2021
- Drei Afghanen an pakistanischer Grenz getötet, ORF, 27.08.2021
- Taliban tell Afghan women to stay home from work because soldiers are ´not trained` to respect them, CNN, 25.08.2021
- Sprachbeharrer - Dieter Hallervorden: Das Gendern ist eine Vergewaltigung der Sprache, Standard, 24.08.2021
- Afghanistan: Kurz gegen zusätzliche Aufnahme Geflüchteter, ORF, 22.08.2021
- Frankreich: App soll vor Übergriffen auf Festivals schützen, NZZ, 21.08.2021
- Nehammer gegen Aufnahme afghanischer Flüchtlinge, ORF, 18.08.2021
- Europe sees surge in illegal migration , 59% more than in 2020 so far, Fox News, 14.08.2021
- Afghanistan: Abschiebungen laut Experten problematisch, ORF, 14.08.2021
- Flucht - Menschenrechtsexperte: Afghanische Schubhäftlinge sollten entlassen werden, Standard, 14.08.2021
- Censuses release shows America is more diverse and more multiracial than ever, CNN, 13.08.2021
- Texas is the first state to make buying sex a felony. Will this help trafficking victims? NBC News, 12.08.2021
- Here`s what we know about Gov. Andrew Cuomos resignation, CNN, 11.08.2021
- Mystery philanthropic organisation to help fund NT's Aboriginal justice reforms, ABC News, 11.08.2021
- Ethnic groups raise concerns they are not being counted in Australian census, ABC News, 11.08.2021
- Ethiopia PM Abiy Ahmed calls on civilians to join Tigray war, BBC, 10.08.2021
- 'A Band-Aid over a gaping hole': Booster shots for the rich world won't end the pandemic, experts warn, CNN, 08.08.2021
- Taliban seize three more Afghan provincal capitals, RTE, 08.08.2021
- Laurel Hubbard 'grateful' for Olympics opportunity after making history, Fox News, 03.08.2021
- Einstweilige Verfügung: EGMR stoppt Abschiebung nach Afghanistan, Standard, 03.08.2021
- Point of no return - Afghan refugees are reaching Turkey in greater numbers: Many would like to go to Greece, Economist, 31.07.2021
- New Zealand to make dawn raids apology, but the Polynesian Panthers want more than words, ABC News, 30.07.2021
- First flight of Afghans who risked lives to help American troops arrive in US, CNN, 30.07.2021
- London anti-Semitism increased as Middle East tensions grew, BBC, 29.07.2021
- Die neuesten Entwicklungen - Migrationskrise: Helfer retten auf dem Mittelmeer 150 Personen, die in Seenot geraten sind, NZZ, 29.07.2021
- Flucht: Türkei lehnt Flüchtlinge aus Afghanistan ab, Standard, 28.07.2021
- Mord an Bosniaken im Jahr 1995 - Die Leugnung des Völkermordes von Srebrenica ist künftig strafbar, SRF, 23.07.2021
- France’s lower house approves anti-separatism bill to battle Islamist extremism, France24, 23.07.2021
- ´I thought rape isn`t something that happens to men`, BBC, 22.07.2021
- Green News: France`s new climate law has just been approved. So why are activists so unimpressed? Euronews, 20.07.2021
- NHL prospect Luke Prokop comes out as gay, in a first for the league, CNN, 19.07.2021
- Far-right British commentator Katie Hopkins to be deported after boasting about undermining COVID-19 quarantine, ABC News, 19.07.2021
- Palestinians describe fight against a West Bank settlement as an existential battle. Jewish settlers say the same, CNN, 17.07.2021
- Daca: Obama programme for child migrants ruled illegal, BBC, 17.07.2021
- The migrants hunger-striking for legal status in Belgium, BBC, 17.07.2021
- US Navy: First woman passes elite training scheme, BBC, 17.07.2021
- Ethiopia`s Tigray crisis: Fleeing for fear of new ethnic conflict, BBC, 16.07.2021
- Viewpoint: Why Sikhs are the do-gooders of the world, BBC, 16.07.2021
- On the road to the Polexit? Poland pushes back in EU against EU rule, France24, 15.07.2021
- Afghan woman ´unbroken`after being shot by her husband, BBC, 12.07.2021
- Prince William ‘sickened by the racist abuse’ at English team after heartbreaking loss, SMH, 12.07.2021
- FA condemns racist abuse of England players on social media after Euro final, Guardian, 12.07.2021
- Bosnia marks 26th anniversary of Sebrenica genocide, Aljazeere, 11.07.2021
- 26 Jahre nach Sebrenica-Massaker: Weitere Opfer beerdigt, ORF, 11.07.2021
- This is the fight Europe has needed for years, CNN, 11.07.2021
- Diskriminierendes Design: Design für alle statt nur für weiße Männer, SRF, 11.07.2021
- Cannes 2021: Cannes Film Festival tackles ´nunsploitation`, gender bias and the male gaze, France24, 10.07.2021
- Inuk leader Mary Simon named Canada`s 1st Indigenous governor general, CBC, 06.07.2021
- UNO: 400.000 Menschen in Tigray droht Hungertod, Vatican News, 03.097.2021
- Settled status: EU citizens urged to apply to stay in UK now or lose rights, BBC, 02.07.2021
- Supreme Court upholds Arizona restrictions in major voting rights, racial discrimination case, ABC News, 01.07.2021
- Nevada first pageant winner to become 1st transgender Miss USA contestant, NBC News, 30.06.2021
- Kritik an Präsident Zeman wegen Verunglimpfung von transsexuellen Menschen, Radio Prague International, 28.06.2021
- Derek Chauvin sentences to 22.5 years in death of George Floyd, CNN, 26.06.2021
- NLFD. and Labrador: N.L. groups stand behind Cancel Canada Day movement with own gathering planned for July1, CBC, 25.06.2021
- Justice Department announces challenge to Georgia`s restrictive voting law, NBC News, 25.06.2021
- VP Harris met by protesters in El Paso: 'Kamala, you came a little too late', Fox News, 25.06.2021
- 'Racist' shouted at GOP congressman while he pressed education secretary on critical race theory, CNN, 25.06.2021
- What is critical race theory? Explaining the discipline that Texas´ governor wants to abolish, Texas Tribune, 22.06.2021
- Italien: Vatikan will Anti-Homophobie-Gesetz ändern, Stol, 22.06.2021
- Carl Nassib Is First Active NFL Player to Come Out as Gay, Time, 22.06.2021
- UEFA soll wegen Neuers Regenbogen-Binde ermitteln, ORF, 20.06.2021
- U.S. Catholic bishops move toward rebuke of Biden for abortion policy, NBC News, 18.06.2021
- Juneteenth is now an federal holiday. Here are things to know about the day and the history. CNN, 17.06.2021)
- Orban will Migration für zwei Jahre verbieten, ORF, 11.06.2021
- Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas will build a border wall, but doesn’t yet give details on cost or location, Texas Tribune, 10.06.2021
- Kamala Harris, With Blunt Language on Border, Forges Immigration Image, NY Times, 08.06.2021
- Texas high school valedictorian switches speech to speak out on state`s abortion law, CNN, 04.06.2021
- Buckingham Palace banned ethnic minorities from official roles, papers reveal, Guardian, 02.06.2021
- Politik: Polizei entfernte Islam-"Warnschilder", ORF, 02.06.2021
- Florida governor OKs limits on transgender student athletes, ABC News, 01.06.2021
- What we know about how many children died at Canada`s residental schools, CTV News, 31.05.2021
- Texas Legislature 2021: President Joe Biden says Texas voting bill is "part of an assault on democracy", Texas Tribune, 29.05.2021
- Immigration and asylum: Number of EU citizens refused entry to UK soars despite Covid crisis, Guardian, 28.05.2021
- Suprme Court Rejects Inmate`s Plea for Firing Squad, NY Times, 23.05.2021
- Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist shot in London, BBC, 23.05.2021
- Connecticut student arrested in connection to racist Snapchat post, CNN, 22.05.2021
- CNN drops Rick Santorum following remarks about Native Americans, NBC News, 22.05.2021
- Jewish man beaten in New York City amid dueling protests over Israel and Hamas, police say, ABC News, 22.05.2021
- South Carolina governor signs bill adding firing squad as an option for executions, CNN, 18.05.2021
- Robin Marty: The Supreme Court is eying Roe v. Wade`s ends with this Mississippi abortion ban case, NBC News, 18.05.2021
- Cameroon jails transgender women for ´attempted homosexuality`, BBC, 13.05.2021
- Das Demokratiefördergesetz kommt kaum voran: Während die SPD drängelt, beharrt die Union auf die Verfassungstreue der Geförderten, NZZ, 12.05.2021
- Sophia Scholl: Student who resisted Hitler and inspires Germany, BBC, 09.05.2021
- Violence against Peru`s indigenous communities surges as drug traffickers move in, France24, 08.05.2021
- The ´smart und cheeky`Aboriginal boy teaching Australia a lesson, BBC, 08.05.2021
- Rassismus: Deutschem Grünen-Politiker droht Parteiausschluss, ORF, 08.05.2021
- Ethiopian Orthodox Church Patriarch condems Tigray ´genocide`, CNN, 08.05.2021
- Gender* statt Mindestlohn - "Die Selbstgerechten": Wagenknecht attackiert "Lifestyle-Linke", SRF, 07.05.2021
- Months into state of emergency, Puerto Rico finally approves $7 million to combat gender-based violence, ABC News, 07.05.2021
- Info Migrants: News, features and personal stories, now available in Bengali, France24, 07.05.2021
- Keine gendergerechte Schriftsprache an Frankreichs Schulen, ORF, 07.05.2021
- German call to ban ´Jewish star`at Covid demos, BBC, 07.05.2021
- Online violence: UN report finds women journalists face a tide of abuse, France24, 07.05.2021
- South Carolina my become the fourth state to allow executions by firing squad, CNN, 06.05.2021
- In Another Reversal, Biden Raises Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed Into U.S., NY Times, 03.05.2021
- Benin Bronzes: Germany to return looted arefacts to Nigeria, BBC, 30,04.2021
- Prinz William schießt sich Pause von Sozialen Netzwerken an, ORF, 30.04.2021
- Athletics: Amputee Leeper´s application to compete with running blades rejected, CNN, 27.04.2021
- Israel committing crimes of apartheid and persecution - HRW, BBC, 27.04.2021
- Orthodoxie: Orthodoxe feiern am Sonntag, ORF, 27.04.2021
- Keine Einigung mit der EU - Rahmenabkommen: Jetzt spricht der Bundesrat Klartext, SRF, 27.04.2021
- 2 transgender women killed in shootings at separate Charlotte hotels, CNN, 17.04.2021
- Umwelt, Landwirtschaft & Klima: Frankreich führt Ökozid als Straftatbestand ein, Standard, 17.04.2021
- White House says Biden will allow more refugees after Democrats blasted announcement of sharp limits, NBC News, 16.04.2021
- Army drill sergeant charged over viral video involving Black man, Fox News, 15.04.2021
- Bericht - Uno: Millionen Frauen können nicht über eigenen Körper entscheiden, Standard, 14.04.2021
- Man shot by Minnesota officer in traffic stop crashes, dies, ABC News, 12.04.2021
- Arrests and deportations of immigrants in US illegally drop under Biden with shift in priorities, CNN, 07.04.2021
- Kritik an Griechenland - Hilfsorganisationen: Konzept der Flüchtlingslager ist gescheitert, SRF, 07.04.2021
- Amnesty Jahresbericht: "Pandemie hat Verlogenheit verstärkt", ORF, 07.04.2021
- Einst waren sie Ärzte oder Elektrotechniker - Heute stehen sie für eine kostenlose Mahlzeit an. In Amerika grassiert der Hunger, NZZ, 07.04.2021
- Arkansas governor`s surprising veto of anti-trans law lasted one day, CNN, 06.04.2021
- Kritik soll möglich sein - Wann kippt Kritik an Israel in Antisemitismus? SRF, 05.04.2021
- US-Finanzministerin will globale Mindeststeuer, ORF, 05.04.2021
- Samuel Kasumu: PM`s adviser quits and row over race report, BBC, 01.04.2021
- Voting rights under attack: Here`s why voting rights activists say Georgia`s new election targets Black voters, CNN, 27.03.2021
- Opinion - Immigration and asylum: Priti Patel`s asylum reforms will only deepen the despair of refugees, Guardian, 26.03.2021
- Ethiopian rights body says over 100 killed in Tigray massacre, France24, 24.03.2021
- Speaking out against hate crimes, Biden tries to restore morale clarity to the presidency, CNN, 20.03.2021
- The Observer Metropolitan police - Revealed: the grim list of sex abuse claims against Metroplitan police, Guardian, 20.03.2021
- Sexual assault: ´One in 40`young women experience it each year, BBC, 18.03.2021
- Biden administration says 14,000 migrant children in its custody as it refuses to call border situation a ´crisis`, CNN, 18.03.2021
- Dekret - Pfarrer-Initiative: Segnen homosexuelle Paare, ORF, 16.03.2021
- Catholic Church ´cannot bless same-sex-union`, BBC, 15.03.2021
- Australia March 4 Justice: Thousands march agianst sexual assault, BBC, 15.03.2021
- China tells UN Australia`s offshore detention centres violate human rights, don`t have adequate conditions, ABC News, 13.03.2021
- World: Sri Lanka to ban burqua and shut more than 1,000 Islamic schools, minister says, NBC, 13.03.2021
- US-Mexico border: What is Joe Biden doing to cope with a rise in an unaccompanied child migrtants? Guardian, 12.03.2021
- Rohingya refugees flee camps in India after deportation threats, France24, 12.03.2021
- Flüchtlingslager in Jemen: Verheerender Brand vielleicht gelegt, ORF, 10.03.2021
- Arkansas governor signs near-total ban abortion ban, CNN, 09.03.2021
- Meghan and Harry interview: Palace taking race issues ´very seriously`, BBC, 09.03.2021
- Keller-Sutter: "Nur wenige Frauen tragen eine Vollverhüllung", SRF, 07.03.2021
- Kommentar: Ein Nein zum Symbol des politischen Islam, NZZ, 07.03.2021
- SVP-Nationalrat Wobmann: "Hat nichts mit Symbolpolitik zu tun", SRF, 07.03.2021
- Initiative für ein Verhüllungsverbot, SRF, 06.03.2021
- Pope Francis Iraq`s Shia leader al-Sistani, Aljazeera, 06.03.2021
- Support services see a rise in women talking for the first time about sexual assaults, but news is distressing to many abuse survivors, ABC News, 06.03.2021
- Migrants could become the new scapegoats when Europe`s borders reopen, CNN, 06.03.2021
- Hannity charges Biden has ´totally subordinated` Border Patrol to ´illegal immigrants`, Fox News, 06.03.2021
- Thousands of Migrant Children Detained in Resumption of Trump-era policies, New York Times, 26.02.2021
- Kommentar: Kritik an Frontex ist berechtigt. Aber die Agentur kann die scheiternde Migrationspolitik Europas nicht ersetzen, NZZ, 26.02.2021
- In world first, Germany convicts Syrian regime officer of crimes against humanity, CNN, 24.02.2021
- Syria torture: German court convicts ex-intelligence officer, BBC, 24.02.2021
- German court convicts Syria ex-intelligence agent in landmark trial, France24, 24.02.2021
- Missbrauch: Haftstrafe für Fußballtrainer, ORF, 24.02.2021
- U.S. admits first group of asylum-seekers as Biden rolls back Remain-in-Mexico policy, CBS News, 19.02.2021
- Central African Republic: War crimes trial of two ex-militia leaders starts, BBC 17.02.2021
- Republicans slam Biden move to admit 25,000 migrants from Mexico admit border surge fears, Fox News, 13.02.2021
- Culture Matters: How ´Judas und Black Messiah` rejects Hollywood clichés about the Black Panthers, ABC, 13.02.2021
- Eddie McGuire stands down as Collingwood president in wake of racism report, ABC, 09.02.2021
- Nibayha Fund: Where did millions set aside after Dehli gang rape go? BBC, 09.02.2021
- Nikki Haley calls Biden`s executive order about transgender athletics an "attack on women`s rights", Fox News, 08.02.2021
- His trans daughter couldn`t find comfortable swimsuit, so he launched a swimsuit line, CNN, 07.02.2021
- Treffen mit Waffenlobby: Neue Vorwürfe erhöhen Druck auf Frontex, ORF, 06.02.2021
- Österreich - Verdacht auf sexuelle Belästigung: Unteroffizier in Oberösterreich suspendiert, Standard, 06.02.2021
- Bildstrecke: "In keinem westlichen Land ist Abtreiben so stigmatisiert wie in Polen", NZZ, 06.02.2021
- How can Aung San Suu Kyi be back in detention? SMH, 02.02.2021
- Virginia may be first in south to abolish death penalty and abandon ´legalized lynching`, Guardian, 02.02.2021
- DHS says undocumented immigrants should get coronavirus vaccines, CNN, 02.02.2021
- Turkey arrests dozens of students at peaceful protest over LGBT rights, France24, 02.02.2021
- Grüne: Flüchtlingshilfe in Bosnien "nicht angekommen", ORF, 31.01.2021
- Asyl: Kritik an Polizeieinsatz gegen Innsbrucker Anti-Abschiebungsdemo, Standard, 31.01.2021
- Bengladesh sends more Rohingya to island despite concerns, ABC News, 30.01.2021
- Asylrecht: Die stilleren Abschiebungen von Sona und Ashot, Standard, 30.01.2021
- Abschiebungen, Van der Bellen "kann es nicht glauben", ORF, 28.01.2021
- Politik: Wien fordert Rücknahme der Abschiebungen, ORF, 28.01.2021
- Federal judge temporarily blocks Biden`s pause on deportations after Texas challenge, CNBC, 26.01.2021
- Crime: People-smuggling gang members jailed over Essex lorry deaths, The Gaurdian, 22.01.2021
- US-court clears the way for the only woman on death row to be executed, France24, 02.01.2021
- International: 43 Migranten vor Libyen ertrunken, Salzburger Nachrichten, 20.01.2021
- All you need is not ‘love jihad’, but liberty, say India’s embattled interfaith couples, France24, 01.01.2021
- Brexit: Boris Johnson's father applies for French citizenship, BBC, 31.12.2020
- Bangladesh moves second group of Rohingya refugees to remote island despite flood concerns, ABC, 29.12.2020
- Saudi activist who campaigned for women's right to drive sentenced to nearly six years in prison, SBS, 29.12.2020
- A photographic history of men in love, CNN, 28.12.2020
- Zeltstadt: Hunderte flohen aus brennendem Flüchtlingslager im Libanon, Standard, 28.12.2020
- Wintereinbruch: Schutzlose Migranten irren in Bosnien umher, Standard, 28.12.2020
- Brexit: Mit dem Brexit endet auch der Erasmus-Studienaustausch mit Großbritannien, Standard, 28.12.2020
- Hungarian lawmakers approve anti-LGBT adoption law and constitutional amendments, France24, 15.12.2020
- Weltanschauliche Neutralität: VfGH hebt Kopftuchverbot auf, ORF, 11.12.2020
- France debates human rights at home while still selling weapons to oppressive regimes, France24, 11.12.2020
- PSG, Basaksehir players walk off over alleged racism by match official, France24, 08.12.2020
- Federal court restores DACA program, orders DHS to accept new applicants, Foxnews, 05.12.2020
- Der andere Blick - Nichts spricht dafür, dass Deutschland sich den teuersten öffentlichrechtlichen Rundfunk der Welt gönnt, NZZ, 04.12.2020
- News/Death Penalty - Poison gas, firing squads: US approves more execution methods, Aljazeera, 28.11.2020
- France: Macron says police brutality video ´shames us`as pressure on govt mounts, France24, 27.11.2020
- Der andere Blick: Aus politischen Gründen wird der Zusammenhang von Terrorismus und Migration heruntergespielt. Das ist falsch, NZZ, 27.11.2020
- Gastkommentar: Die Islamverbände erzählen den Politikern Märchen, NZZ, 26.11.2020
- Deutschland will Rechtsextremismus und Rassismus per Gesetz bekämpfen, NZZ, 26.11.2020
- France: Paris police officers suspended over brutal beating of Black man, France24, 26.11.2020
- Antisemitismus: Angriff auf Rabbiner in Wien-Landstraße: Kanzler Kurz verurteilt die Tat, Standard, 26.11.2020
- Ethiopian parents fear for future of refugee children, France24, 18.11.2020
- A Greman Man`s Nazi-Grandfather took over a Jewish man`s store. He tracked down his descendents to apologize, CNN, 14.11.2020
- Gewalteskalation in Äthiopien: Eritreas Hauptstadt von Äthiopien aus beschossen , Amnesty International spricht von Massakern in Tigray, NZZ, 15.11.2020
- Someone told me I`d never model because I`am disabled. I proved them wrong at NY Fashion Week, CNN, 31.10.2020
- ´Islam is being hyper-politicised in France, but Muslims are not part of the debate`, France24, 30.10.2020
- "Begrenzungsinitiative ": Die SVP hat ihre Mobilisierungskraft verloren (SRF, 27.09.2020)
- Trump answers for pair of Black pastors who were asked if police violence is systematic, BBC, 01.09.2020
- Immigration and asylum, Far-right activists filmed hassling asylum seekers in hotels, Guardian, 28.08.2020
- Deutlich weniger illegale Einreisen aus Türkei in EU (ORF, 08.08.2020)
- U.S. - LGBTQ: Trump Administration Remokes Health Care Protections for Transgender People, Time, 12.06.2020
- Ja zur "Ehe für alle", SRF, 11.06.2020
- Unrest mounts across multiple US cities over the death of George Floyd, CNN, 30.05.2020
- Ant-Diskriminierungs-Gesetz: "Wer respektvoll bleibt, muss keine Angst haben", SRF, 09.02.2020
- Christians in northeast Syria living in fear as Turkish forces, IS group active in region, France24, 07.02.2020
- Sexuelle Gewalt hinterlässt über Generationen hinweg ihre Spuren; NZZ, 10.01.2020
- Texas governor to reject new refugee resettlement following Trump order, NBC News, 10.01.2020
- Indian Citizenship Act protests: ´Our son was shot dead by police`, BBC, 28.12.2019
- A Barrier to Trump`s Border Wall: Landowners in Texas, NY Times, 26.12.2019
- Kopf des Tages - Zum Coming-out einer Fussballerin: Kapitänin Schnaderbeck schreitet voran, Standard, 19.12.2019d
- Supreme Court Won`T Allow Federal Executions to Resume, NY Times, 06.12.2019
- New French bill equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism ´is going very far afield`, 03.12.2019, France24
- Some nursing homes are illegaly evicting elderly and disabled residents who can`t afford to pay, NBC News, 29.11.2019
- Pull-Effekt: Sozialhilfe als Magnet für Flüchtlinge? Drei Forscher sagen Ja Drei Forscher sagen Ja. Standard, 27.11.2017
- Commentary: Who Are the Racsists?, CNS News, 26.11.2019
- Thousands march in France to protest alarming femicide levels, France24, 23.11.2019
- Texas court stops Rodney Reed`execution,Texas Tribune, 15.11.2019
- The Latest: Texas man executed in 2002 strangulation, San Antonio Express-News, 06.11.2019
- Rodney Reed is Scheduled for Execution. New Evidence Casts Doubt on His Guilt, NY Times, 06.11.2019
- US & Canada: US Judge blocks Trumps immigrant health insurance rule, BBC, 03.11.2019
- Man who advocated caning for adulultery gets caned for adultery, CCN, 01.11.2019
- Deutlich weniger illegale Einreise aus Türkei in EU, ORF, 08.08.2020
- His trans daughter couldn`t find comfortable swimwear, so he launched a swimline, CNN, 07.02.2021
- Months into state of emergency, Puerto Rico finally approves $million to combat gender-based violence, ABC News, 07.05.2021